Touch Generations
6 years ago
Georgia, USA

Hello, Im going to submit the Touch Generations series ( ) to, is this cool with you considering that Planet Puzzle League is in the Touch Generations series?

Missouri, USA

You are welcome to try.

I'm mostly curious how that request will be received in the sense that every series I can find on the site has one central intellectual property that ties the games together, whereas Touch Generations encompasses many intellectual properties--and it's not something I recognize as an intellectual property. Personally, I see no relation between Planet Puzzle League and, say, Brain Age within the games themselves to include them in the same series. As far as I can tell, it's only marketing that gives them any sort of connection.

Wipeoutjack7 gefällt das.
Georgia, USA

Thats a very good point. (Unless Im completely wrong lol) the Touch Generations games were made for people who are just starting to play video games, one of the reasons you see lots of puzzle games.