Category Idea
6 years ago
Texas, USA

Hi, I know this is my first post anywhere around the Pokemon boards but I had an idea. So, right now the only category listed is Any%, which is perfectly fine. However, I'm thinking there's some room for a second, more accessible category. Taking some inspiration from a Miscellaneous category for Paper Mario, where you speedrun how fast you can get 5 golden piggies (unless it's just something RedFalcon does on his own), I propose something called Wormhole Run. Basically, it's a speedrun using only Wormholes, going as fast as you can to get all 20 species of Pokemon shiny. So from each color Wormhole it'd be...

Red: Altaria Yanmega Sigilyph Swanna Swellow

Blue: Lombre Floatzel Stunfisk Barbaracle Quagsire

Yellow: Medicham Abomasnow Crustle Magcargo Hippowdon

Green: Audino Nuzleaf Heliolisk Drapion Grumpig

It's something I personally think would be fun and exciting, not just to watch but also to run.

For your consideration~


I personally do not see any point in this. Speedruns are supposed to be a display of skillful play, routing, and adaptability.

Your proposition will mostly rely on luck and will probably even take much longer than an actual run anyway. Do you mind explaining what you mean when you say this is more accessible? The requirement is basically the same: you need to be able to record the footage. That is really the only point that can make you not be able to submit a run.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
scoagogo und Bogdan_mk gefällt das.
North Macedonia

I've never seen shiny hunting as a part of speedrunning. Just as wartab said, this would completely rely on luck, not skill. Kinda misses the whole point of speedrunning

scoagogo gefällt das.
Texas, USA

Before I start, I'll say I looked up the Piggies thing and that is just something RedFalcon (Twitch partner) does on his own.

The category would be luck based on shiny, skill part for the wormhole section but at the same time that's why I called it a Miscellaneous category, because it's not something that's truly a full run and instead something that's just fun and to the side.

By accessible, I mean that you won't have to restart a file each and every time to do a run. You won't have to learn a certain method. For wormhole specifically, you don't need the shiny charm. You just need to know how to do Wormhole, and that's it. That is why it's more accessible.

And if you think it takes longer, you can break it down into 5 subcategories -- Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, and All.

Northern Ireland

I agree with wartab and Bogi, very little to no skill required, almost entirely luck based. Additionally I feel like you should do a run of this yourself before you propose for it to be added to leaderboards.

Bogdan_mk gefällt das.

The skill ceiling to properly complete wormholes is pretty low. No skillful way of playing the game will give you a noticable edge over players who haven't put work into this. I don't know for other franchises, but for the Pokémon franchise, all games only have categories where competition is skill based. I don't think that this would be an interesting category, but if you believe this could interest other players, feel free to have a thread in these forums in which you can manage your own leaderboards of this category. I'm not opposed to any ideas, so should enough people show interest and play this, I'll mention this idea to the leaderboard admins.

Bogdan_mk gefällt das.
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