Crystal Alakazam Starter Route
Crystal Alakazam Starter Route
Aktualisiert 3 years ago von Consair

All credit goes to Wsop/Snorms for this route (sorry if I missed anyone else), I only added a few things for my attempts. This assumes you have prior knowledge of a general Crystal Glitchless run. Pastebin version ->

Also PSA this route may change in the near future ever so slightly but this route is still good enough for 3:0X

Stats 1FFF Left Poké Ball


  • Set time to 5:51PM Sunday (default)



  • Go left side (totodile route side)
  • After Mr. Pokemon cutscene, Teleport to Cherrygrove (cursor is already on Pokémon menu)


  • Rival 1: Swap slot 3, Confusion, to slot 1

    Confusion + Confusion


  • Teleport back to Cherrygrove


  • Repel 1 tile before grass
  • Mikey: Confusion x2


  • Catch a Bellsprout before the day changes over to night
  • Catch Poliwag and name it A
  • Kill Poliwag if you encounter a second one


  • Abe: Confusion x2
  • Rod: Confusion x3-4
  • Falkner: Confusion x3-4


  • Skip the center


  • Skip Przcureberry
  • Use Repel
  • Pick up the REPEL
  • Use 2nd Repel after first wears off


  • (Russell: Confusion x3)


  • (Anthony: Confusion x3)


  • Skip the mart
  • Skip the Full Heal


  • Pick up Super Potion
  • All Confusion OHKOs


  • Talk to left twin but go right side
  • Twins: Confusion x2-3
  • Al: Confusion x2
  • (Benny): Confusion x3
  • Bugsy: Confusion x5

Rival 2: Confusion x4-5


  • 4 tiles into forest use repel
  • Repel again when repel wears off(heal if dead to snubull)
  • Pick up hidden Full Heal


  • Get bike
  • Register and use Bike
  • Kenya/Spinner Hell/Double Deposit/Cut grass

WHITNEY GYM Carrie: Confusion x2 Whitney: Confusion x2, Confusion x3


  • Tm41 and Tm48
  • 6 Escape Rope, 2 repels, 1 Poke Doll
  • Teleport back to Violet City
  • If forgot to double deposit, do it now

On Greg Buffer:

  • Use Repel, Teach Thunderpunch in slot 2, Fire Punch in slot 4


  • Get Hyper Potion if you are low HP with no healing items
  • Rival 3: Confusion, Thunderpunch+Confusion Croc,(teach psybeam in slot 3) Fire Punch(magnemite) Psybeam(zubat)
  • After dog cutscene use Escape Rope


  • Ping: Thunderpunch x5
  • Jeffrey: Confusion
  • Martha: Thunderpunch, Confusion(haunter), Fire Punch
  • Morty: Thunderpunch, Psybeam x3(teach recover over confusion if you are low hp for kimonos)


  • You need 27 for Vaporeon

  • Flareon: Confusion x2

  • Espeon: Thunderpunch x2

  • Vaporeon: Thunderpunch

  • Jolteon: Psybeam(swap Confusion and Psybeam)

  • Umbreon: Fire Punch x2(Fire Punch)

  • Get surf

  • Repel before grass

  • Pokefan: Psybeam Pikachu


  • 5 Hyper Potion
  • 14 Super Repel


  • Alfred: Thunderpunch(Psybeam)

  • Preston: Psybeam x2

  • Connie: Psybeam

  • Get Rare Candy Menu

  • Use Super Repel

  • Swap Super Repel to slot 1

  • Teach surf to Poliwag

  • Escape Rope

  • Get Strength

  • Get Shuckie

CIANWOOD GYM Yoshi: Psybeam(Fire Punch or use thunderpunch if missed umbreon range) Lao: Psybeam Nob: Psybeam x2 Use Candy, then teach strength and use from menu Lung: Fire Punch x2, Psybeam Chuck: Psybeam, Psybeam(Psybeam)

Get fly, Teach fly to kenya, fly to ecruteak(down 3), Super repel before mt Mortar, Poke Doll Gyarados, talk to lance, fly to mahogany(down 2), go to rocket hideout

ROCKET HIDEOUT Rocket 1: Fire Punch x2 Rocket 2: Fire Punch x3 Scientist: Fire Punch x3 Lance Heal Rocket 4: Thunderpunch x2 Rocket 5: Thunderpunch, Psybeam Rocket 6: Psybeam (Rocket Spinner): Psybeam x3 Executive 1: Fire Punch, Psybeam, Thunderpunch Executive 2: Psybeam, Fire Punch, Psybeam Electrodes: Psybeam x3 Escape rope out


  • Douglas is always stuck up Pryce: Thunderpunch, Thunderpunch + Psybeam, Fire Punch

Fly to Olivine and do Lighthouse (down 4) (Ernest): Thunderpunch x3

OLIVINE GYM Jasmine: Fire Punch x3

Fly to Goldenrod and go to mart Buy 21 X Special 2 X Accuracy

Radio Tower Rocket 1: Psybeam x2 Rocket 2: Psybeam Rocket 3: Fire Punch x2 Rocket 4: Thunderpunch, Psybeam, Thunderpunch Rocket 5: Fire Punch x4 Scientist 1: Fire Punch x3 Scientist 2: Psychic Executive 1: Thunderpunch, Psychic, Thunderpunch x4 Deposit Alakazam, Withdraw Alakazam Swap Poliwag with Alakazam then bike to underground

ROCKET UNDERGROUND Donald: Thunderpunch x2 Teru: Fire Punch x4 Rival 4: Psybeam, Fire punch, Thunderpunch(feraligatr), Fire punch x3 Rocket 1: Psybeam Rocket 2: Psybeam x2, Thunderpunch Rocket 3: Thunderpunch, Psychic Burglar 1: Psybeam, Thunderpunch Burglar 2: Fire Punch, Psybeam, Fire Punch Rocket 4: Psybeam x2 Rocket 5: Psybeam, Fire Punch Rocket 6: Fire Punch x2 Rocket 7: Thunderpunch x2

RADIO TOWER 2 Rocket: Psybeam, Thunderpunch Executive 1: Psybeam Executive 2: Psybeam, Fire Punch, Psybeam Executive 3: Thunderpunch x4

Fly to Mahogany (down 2)


  • Super Repel 4 tiles in
  • Super Repel 4 tiles in 2nd room and use strength from menu
  • When repel wears off in blackthorn Use Super Repel Teach Whirlpool and Waterfall to Poliwag

BLACKTHORN GYM Paul: Psybeam x3 Fran: Psybeam Cody: Psybeam x2 Lola: Psychic x2 Clair: Psychic x3, Thunderpunch + Psychic Darin: Psychic

Do totos will split movement and take heal house (Joyce): Psybeam, Thunderpunch Beth: Psychic Rival 5: Fire Punch, Psybeam, Fire Punch x3(X Special on Kadabra), Thunderpunch

ELITE FOUR Will: Thunderpunch x2, Firepunch x2, Thunderpunch(Thunderpunch) Koga: Psybeam, Firepunch, Psychic x3 Bruno: Psybeam x5 Hyper Potion to full Karen: X Special x3, X Accuracy, Fire Punch x2, Fire Punch, Thunderpunch, Thunderpunch, Psybeam

  • Houndoom does about 80 with crunch
  • Murkrow does about 50 with Faint Attack Lance: X Special x2, Psychic x6

SS ANNE Fly to Olivine (down 5) Stanly: Fire Punch, Psychic, Fire Punch Fly to Vermillion (up/down 1) then bike to Surge

SURGE GYM Gregory: Fire Punch x2 Surge: Psychic, Psybeam, Fire Punch, Psybeam, Psychic

Bike to Sabrina’s Gym taking the right path after getting to Saffron

SABRINA GYM (Rebecca): Thunderpunch x3 Teleport puzzle: Up, Left, Down (go around), Down (go around) Sabrina: X Special x2, X Accuracy, Thunderpunch x3 Teleport puzzle: Right, Up, Up, Down

Bike towards Heidi Dean: Psybeam x2 Repel before Heidi (Heidi): Thunderpunch x2

Fly to Cerulean (1 up) go to gym then Bike towards Nugget Bridge Dudley: Fire Punch Ellen: Fire Punch x2 Joe: Psybeam, Psychic Laura: Psybeam x3 Lloyd: Fire Punch Shannon: Psybeam x3 Pat: Psybeam

Fly to Saffron (down 1)

ERIKA GYM Jo & Zoe: Fire Punch x2 Tanya: Fire Punch Julia: Psybeam x2, Fire Punch Erika: Psybeam x2, Psychic, Fire Punch

Fly to Cerulean (up 1)

MISTY GYM Misty: Psybeam, Thunderpunch, Psychic, Thunderpunch Grab the machine part!!! Super repel before Heidi Do Power Plant and then fly to Saffron (down 1)

(Tom): Thunderpunch x3

After Lavender, fly to Vermillion (up 2) and super repel + flute in front of snorlax

Go through cave and go fight Brock

BROCK GYM Jerry: Fire Punch Brock: Psychic x2, Psybeam x3

Use Max Ether on Psybeam(if hit any spinner get elixir instead) Max Ether is the item we grab for toto route - To get Elixir use cut on the tree go right then down then left into the tree after getting the item Super repel before the path of grass heading towards pallet town

Talk to Blue

BLAINE GYM Blaine: Psybeam x2, Psychic

Super repel before the water

JANINE GYM Janine: Fire Punch, Thunderpunch x4

Fly to Viridian (up 2)

BLUE GYM Blue: X Special x2, Psybeam, Thunderpunch, Psybeam, Psychic, Fire Punch, Psybeam

Fly to pallet (up 1) talk to oak

Super repel and fly to viridian (up 2)

Red: Heal to full and save(need +6, setup 6th on Espeon) X Special x5, Psybeam, X special, Thunderpunch, Psychic, Psybeam x3

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