Any% (Glitchless) (with RNG Manipulation) - Kylovic - February 27, 2016
Any% (Glitchless) (with RNG Manipulation) - Kylovic - February 27, 2016
Aktualisiert 6 years ago von Kylovic

Update (May 14th, 2018): This guide is outdated. Refer to newer ones. Leaving this here for completeness, though.

FireRed Notes Made by Kylovic ( These should NOT be used as a beginner guide, any form of movement is left out. Based of Exarions Notes (

Please Note (Color Code):

Moves in Pink only need to be used if NOT in Torrent. Moves in Blue are alternative moves if you ARE in Torrent. Moves in Red are Damage Ranges, moves in (Brackets) should be used if you miss the range. Spinners are optional Trainers that can be dodged with Bag Freeze. Anything that is Highlighted in green is a Trainer you always fight so ou can see them better!

RNG Manipulation: Take Time found under “Time” and add 0.13 sec. to get timing for the Squirtle.

Rival 1: All Tackles (TW x1 if Modest Squirtle)

Route 1: Kill an Encounter (lvl 2 or 3, 3 Pidgey only with 11atk @5) Mart Guy Potion Catch Pidgey/Ratatta after Parcel delivery

Forest: Sammy: TW + Tackle (If poisonend, Antidote at 6, 7 w/ -def nature)

Pewter: Liam: Bubble | Bubble x2 (+ Bubble) Brock: Bubble | Potion if in RT range, Bubble x2 Mart: Sell TM, Buy 4 Potion, 4 Antidote, 2 Paralyz Heal, 3 Awakening, 6 Repel

R3: Bug1: WG (+Bubble) | WG (+Bubble) | WG (+Bubble) if poison: manip torrent then antidote Bug2: WG (+Bubble) | WG (+Bubble) | WG x2 (WG + Bubble) | WG x2 (WG + Bubble) Bug3: WG (+Bubble) | WG x2 (WG + Bubble) Persim Berry, Menu: Register TM Case, Equip Persim, Potion, Repel

Mt. Moon: Candy & Ether Hiker: Bubble x3 Spinner: WG x2 | Bubble Rocket1: WG x2 | WG x2 (Rat does 15 max with HF) Rocket2: WG + Bubble + WG | WG x2 | WG x2 (WG + Bubble) If poisonend: Antidote, set cursor over Candy

R4 & Cerulean 1: Right Guy: MK over Bubble (3) Mart: Buy 4 Super Potion Menu: Potion + Candies to lvl 19, Bite over TW (2) Misty: -With good Attack: MK+Bite | Tackle+Tackle+Bite+Bite -With average Attack: Bite+evaluate roll | Tackle+Tackle+Bite+Bite -With bad Attack: Tackle+Bite+Bite | MK+Bite+Bite (Starmie does 7-9, Starmie 15 max w/ Swift) Menu: Heal to ~30 + teach WP over Tackle Rival 2: WP x2 | Bite + MK | WP | WP Switch out if SA, Bulba does 17-20 w/ Vine, Switch out if Leech Seed

Bridge: Bridge1: Bite x4 Bridge2: Bite | MK | Bite (If low on MK and no torrent: Ether MK then Bite) Bridge3: WG | WP (+Bite) Bridge4: WP (+WP) x2 (DK: 3-4 x2, Peck: 4-5) Bridge5: WP + Bite (WP) Rocket: WP (+Bite) | WP (Ekans does 5 dmg max) Hidden Elixir & Pecha Berry Wayne: WG Spinner: Bite (+Bite) Kelsey: WP x2 (WG x2) Flint: [Ether MK if 0/1 MK PP] WP x2 (QA does 5-6) Haley: MK | MK | Bite Hidden Ether Bill & S.S Ticket

Cerulean 2 & Route 6: Rocket: WP (+Bite) | MK Hidden Candy & Sitrus Avoid 1st Camper Menu: Candy to lvl 27 (ether MK if necessary) Camper: WP | MK (WP)

Vermillion & S.S Anne: Free heal in S.S Anne (1 tile right then down) Rival 3: Bite + WP | Bite + MK (+Bite) | MK (WP) | Bite (WP) -> Switch out if SA, Switch out if Leech Seed; Bulba does 20-24(27-32), Kadabra does 13-16 HM01 Free Heal on way out

Surge: Teach HM01 & Dig in front of the bush Cans Right Spinner: MK or Bite x2 | WP Left Spinner: WP x2 Tucker: WP Menu: Heal to full, Heal Para, Equip Sitrus Surge: WP | WP | WP + MK Voltorb does 20-26 or 20, Raichu does 40-48 Bike Voucher

Cerulean 3: Bike, Menu: less than 10HP: Potion, Register Bike, Hop on Bike


Rock Tunnel:

Menu: Equip Cheri (If old one used), Potion, Repel Whenever you Repel and are low on MK´s, Elixir. Ashton: WG | Bite x2 (Slowpoke does 8-10) Winston: Bite x2 (Slowpoke does 8-10) MARTHA: MK | MK Bite first on bad attack, Leaf does 22-26(30-36) Allen: WG Oliver: Bite | WG | Bite Sofia: WP x3 Dudley: Bite | Bite | WG Spinner: Bite x3 Dana: Bite | MK | Bite

Route 8: Rich: (WG x2)

Celadon 1 / Game Corner & Rocket Hideout: Grunt (poster): MK (WP) | WP BF3, Dodge spinner (Range 2) Hidden Nugget all way to the left Spinner Puzzle #1 Rare Candy Max Ether on Table Menu: Candy to lvl 35 Grunt: WP x2 (WG x2) Spinner Puzzle 2 Lift to B4F Left Grunt: Bite | WP | WP Right Grunt: WP | Bite | Bite + WP (Arbok does 7-9) Candy to Blastoise Gio: WP | WP | WP x3-4 (MK in emergancy) (MP: 23-28, Fake Out: 12-15) Silph Scope, dig out

Celdadon 2: Mart: 5F: Sell (Bottom Guy): -Nugget x2 Buy (Bottom Guy): -xSpecial x15 -xAccuracy x6 -Guard Spec x3 -xSpeed x5 -xAttack x8 2F:

Buy (Top Guy):
    -TM31 x1
Buy (Bottom Guy):
    -Super Repel x9
    -Super Potion x9

Elevator down, get Fly Fly Menu: Potion to 50-60, Super Repel, Equip Chesto, Teach Fly, Fly to Lavender

Lavender Tower: Rival 4: xSpec + WP | Bite x2 (MK if PP left + 11atk at lvl5) | Bite x2 | Bite | WG If SA from Pidgeotto: xAcc on Ivysaur, Ivy does 22-26(32-38) 4F: Elixir, go around on top Spinner: WG Tammy: WP (WG) (Swap WP and WG before using either move) Skip heal 6F: IF xACC USED ON IVY: PICK UP HIDDEN xACC HERE Jennifer: WG Emilia: WG “Hidden” rare Candy NEED TO BE IN TORRENT AFTER TOWER! Marowak: WP (Bite to take damage for Torrent) Grunt1: WG | WG | WP (+Bite) Grunt2: WG | WP Grunt3: WG | WG | WG | WP Pokéflute, fly to celadon

Celadon 3 & Cycling Road: Get Tea Spinner 1 (Lao): Bite x2 (WP) | WP Spinner 2 (Koji): WP x3 Always stay left at C. Road Hidden Rare Candy (3rd signpost 1 tile right) + Hidden Max Elixir

Safari Zone: Enter Safari Zone, Repel Get Full Restore in Area 1 Get Gold Teeth & Surf in Area 4 Fly to Fuchsia

Koga: On Spinner bag freeze: Teach Surf over WG (1) and heal + Pecha Spinner (Kayden): Surf + Bite + Surf (Surf x2) Juggler1: Surf x4 Spinner (Edgar): Bite + Surf (Surf ) | Surf | Bite + Surf (Surf ) EQUIP PECHA + USE A SUPER (30-40HP ideal for Koga) Koga: Surf | Surf x2 | Surf | Bite + Surf (if lvl42, skip bite) (weezing does 31-37 w/ sludge) Get Strengh Menu: Potion (No Potion if no dmg at Koga), Use Candies, Repel, Fly to Pallet

Mansion & Blaine: Surf to Cinnabar, enter Mansion. Get Elixir (Bottom floor, room with statue, top right corner) Get Blizzard and Secret Key Dig out YES NO NO NO YES NO (ABBBAB) Blaine: Surf x4 Note: MUST HAVE TORRENT BEFORE ARCANINE To try: Growlithe: 19-24 , Rapidash: 22-27, (Arcanine: 36-43 dmg) Spam B in Bill cutscene

Celdaon City 4 (Erika): Menu: Heal to 30+, Teach Blizzard over Mega Kick, Fly to Celdaon Left path in gym Tamia: Bite x2 Lori: Bite Erika: Surf | Bite | Blizzard (Giga Drain: 27-32) Exit Gym Fly to Celdaon, Bike to Saffron

Saffron - Silph Co. & Sabrina: Elevator to 5F, avoid scientist On Spinner bag freeze: Max Elixir + Heal so that 3 Wing Attacks = Torrent Spinner (Grunt): Surf Silph Rival (SAVE if race): xAcc, xSpec x2, WP | Blizzard | Blizzard | WP | WP (Razor Leaf: 47-56 dmg) Grunt: WP | WP | WP Gio (SAVE if race): Surf | Surf | Surf | WP IF LESS THEN 30HP, POTION, dig out Sabrina: Surf | Surf | xSpeed, Surf | Surf Dig out, Fly to Viridian, Bike to Gym

Viridian City 2 (Giovanni 2) & Rival 6: Takashi: Surf x3 Warren: WPf x5 Gio: WP | WP | Surf | Surf | Surf (Dugtrio EQ: 30-36) Menu before grass on Route 22: Heal to full (Super Potions or Full Restore) Repel, SAVE if race Rival 6: xAcc, xSpec x2, Surf | Blizzard [Razor Leaf: 71-84 dmg] | Bite | Bite + Blizzard | xSpeed, WP | Surf

Victory Road: If first repel runs out, dont use another one instantly. Menu: Strengh over Bite, Brick Break over WP, Repel.

Indigo Plateau: Go to the PC: Go to Bill's PC -> Move Pokemon. Deposit Blastoise. Pick up Blastoise, swap him with slot 1. Put slot 1 in the box, Then put slot 2 in the box. Exit PC Buy Full Restores (spend all money) Enter E4, EQUIP LUM BERRY!!!

Elite 4 and Champion! Lorelei: xAttack x6, BB - You´ll most likely heal here BB - Protect sucks, just spam BB Strengh x2 - If Yawn, Lum Berry will trigger Strengh BB (Try to end fight with ~90HP)

Bruno: Guard Spec., xSpec x2,(if NOT in torrent: xSpec), Surf If BELOW 30 HP, Super potion, then Surf Surf Hitmonchan ONLY if in torrent or on 5 xSpecs Surf Surf (WANT TORRENT FOR AGATHA) ~35-50HP is nice

Agatha: xSpeed, xSpec, (if NOT in torrent use 2nd xSpec), Surf x5 Heal to full

Lance: xAcc , xSpec , Full Restore if below 90 HP, Full Restore again on Hyper Beam recharge. Blizzard (Strengh if 2nd Blizzard doetn´t kill) Blizzard Blizzard x3, Surf Aerodactyl Dragonair: Outrage does 40-48 & Hyper Beam does 50-59 Dragonite: Outrage does 64-76, Hyper beam does 90-107 & Wing Attack does 56-66 Menu: Full Restore, Elixir, Save BEFORE entering the room (race)

RIVAL 7 / Blue / CHAMPION: Guard Spec., xSpeed, xSpec x3, Surf (If pidgeotto puts you into torrent, heal on gyara) xAcc + Blizzard Surf Surf Blizzard x2 Surf [Gyara does 44-52 dmg] If BELOW 50HP use Full Restore, Surf

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