7 years ago
Ohio, USA

If you have any suggestions for a category you would like to see on the page, post it here!

Oxfordshire, England

level 10%? it would be intresting because it would take a lot of testing to route. other levels could be used. co-op%?

Ohio, USA

level 10% could be interesting, its a possibility co-op%, not so much, the rules would have to change a lot, and both people would have to record. Co-op% would only be useful if you were going into higher level areas and currently we don't have any higher level areas

Oxfordshire, England

Personally I don’t care much for co-op% cause I have no friends who play this game. My mum does though. Lmao

Massachusetts, USA

trial100% would be cool. So basically the goal would be to complete every quest available to a non-member/no crown account. The run would end when the only remaining quests are, Ring my belle, Marquis mark and the funky bunch, and Sharks in the water. There are two quests that can't be accepted that show up in the quest finder and they are in Jonah town, that being, Magicians to musicians and Terry and the pirates.

Michigan, USA
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Would it be feasible to create a Skull Island% category?

The goal would be just to complete the main Skull Island questline, ending upon entering the Stormgate to Monquista or completing the quest "The Heart of Darkness". Think it'd be a neat category to run!

United States

@XanderIsALoser Might be a consideration in the future. I have no idea myself if even Ratbeard% should stay on the boards because nobody besides myself has run it in the several months it has existed.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 3 years ago
Chicago, IL, USA

Could there be boss %s? Like, how quick can you defeat a tough boss like Moo Manchu, or Kane, or possibly an easier boss, like how quick can you defeat the Floating Dutchman, Fin, etc. The run could begin after the count down ends, and the run can end after the final battle ends, or if the boss is defeated. I can easily see some interesting strategies come up in order to defeat the bosses, and I feel like a bunch of people will do the runs.

Michigan, USA
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

@The_Pathetic_Rookie Theoretically speaking, wouldn't something like this be fit for adding Level Leaderboards?

United States

It would be sweet to add Kane% to IL category. Start when the timer for entering the dungeon hits 0. Then end on the cutscene for Kane

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We are excited to announce the KingsIsle hosted speedrun Charity event! From now until 11:59pm CT January 1st, 2023, For every player whose run beats the last-place run on each category leaderboard (as of November 16th, 2022), KingsIsle will be donating $25 to Games Done Quick. Th

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