Marathon Heist , All Bags - Would that be possible to add?
3 months ago

I'd like to prepare myself to run Marathon Heist, but I was thinking about the possibility to make it an all bags run as well. Would be possible to have this category? or if it takes time, would a run that I prepare be respected before the category exists?


Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Look, we had this issue before. We had a lot of different categories in cat extensions and it was so bloated and nobody even ran them except for the same 1 or 2 people. Adding now an all bags marathon you would be the only to run it since there are only 4 or 5 active speedrunners here. I suggest to you that you just stick with the existing categories and do a normal run..

Thats just what Im feeling so dont get me wrong, ask Payday 3 mods like illest, Y5ET or Pizza


Made a pool then for this 5 actives runners ^^


I get it, I guess I'll start with all bags per mission which is one of the extensions. In fact I decided to start running not because I'm any good (I'm not) but because I'd like for more people to run it, I think a marathon heist all bags is a good balance between completion and speed, seems reachable enough to attract more people.

Thanks anyway :D


I'd even dare say a marathon run in general atm. is kinda pointless. The runs will just keep getting archived with every new heist released. If so it'd only really make sense to have one for the core heists (the 8 that released with the base game) until the game gets into a sort of "final state".

I'm technically not against an all bags run but yea, seems like not plenty of people would be running it anyways.

United States

Yep, that's why we opted to do the launch heists and year 1 so it won't be archived... we could add an all bags category but like mein said if people don't play it... it's DOA. Maybe we can do a vote or something...

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