Can we get a moderator to update this game page?
5 years ago
Colorado, USA

I was planning to post a run but I noticed the existing "WR" run video has been removed. In fact, if you go to the runner's YT page, all of his videos have been removed (including 2 speedruns claiming to be WR). If you visit his Twitch channel, again, no such video exists of said runs.

It's difficult to make sense of the categories like "Glitch%" when there is almost no info/videos of the game and no video of the runner's attempt. If he used a glitch it would be nice to see it in action for others to have a chance to compete in the category. As it is now, if nobody knows what glitch was used and nobody is able to attempt to beat it, it remains unbeatable forever.

It would be nice to see some more info about this.


Oh I was not aware of it, let me try fix it today.


Well, idk why twitch not play my record but i did replace that run for another but a little bit older. Upload a run and i'll do you Mod :)

add me to Discord: Aidereh#6681

Colorado, USA

I checked your Twitch and YouTube and neither video exists. Once a source video is removed, it gets removed from all other places it is linked to.

Any chance you can just re-upload the videos and repost them?

Like I said before if you hold a spot in a category (in this case Glitch%) but nobody knows what the details (glitch used) are, nobody will ever post any runs because they have 0 info given.

Colorado, USA

The new video added is working, thank you for fixing that.

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