English guide about all 4 categories.
English guide about all 4 categories.
Aktualisiert 4 years ago von vinnyocruz

English is not my main language, I can understand, but I'm not proficient writing.

I'm not going to talk about exactly all the necessary settings, however I will send the ones I use in Resources.

1M Pound No FF Default Settings - First it's important to have 2 cities with a population over 2000, create a passenger route is one of the most profitable early game forms, as well as money that will constantly come in, since you don't have to complete load, important to connect between cities with more than 1000 people, if I use small ones, the profit will be very low. After that it's important to focus on the factories that generate the most resources, coal ends up being a good choice, another good way is to find nearby factories that a station can take both, lastly, create a grain/cattle and then goods system, then just wait, I would say that the optimal would be. 2 passenger lines, 1 grain line, 1 cattle line, 1 goods line, 5 coal lines, then add according to production. In the end, when you have around 850k pounds, sell your trains. Planes in 1950 are not profitable like trains, expensive and slow.

1M Pound No FF Custom Settings - It is important to abuse the settings, create large cities, have a larger loan margin and use planes that will be the most profitable way. It is also important to use the station size mechanics, to increase the impact area of ​​the airport with bus stops, ensuring that the planes will always be full! Around 750k pounds you can sell them.

1M Pounds FF Default Settings - Same idea, starting with big cities, I place 5 passenger wagons and 4 of correspondence wagons, since rarely will one be crowded in this format. I do not recommend creating a second line, whatever it is cargo, the time you will lose building and the delay in becoming a profitable line does not make up for speedrun. After that just turn on the FF and wait. It is important to remove the animation settings, as this will not influence the creation of the world ends up being allowed, it's very important to remove.

1M Pound FF Custom Settings - The most optimized category, important to do before any run, open a world and prepare the windows, so let the plane (Dinger 200) that you will use first in the list, it happens that whenever you open the game it reset, but whenever you open a world it doesn't, you can do it in all categories, but this one being the fastest and optimized ends up being essential. Regarding the settings, it will mainly abuse the size of the city and the number of them, if there is an excess of cities the FF will be slower and the goal will take longer, so something around 8/12 cities is essential. About the Construction you will use the International or City airport, the others will be expensive, small or will take longer to select, International is recommended because your station space is bigger, bringing more passengers. After that you will buy the Dinger 200 and create the route, it is the biggest plane, even if it is not the fastest, it will generate the most profit, you will not have the money to have two, I don't recommend having 2 for the time you will lose. As soon as it starts circulating, activate the FF and pay off the loan, important that it is before reaching the mark, the run only ends with a paid loan and 1000k pounds in the account. I recommend using the shortcut keys, you can also edit them in the "hotkeys" file by notepad.