I'm kinda new, and I need help!
7 years ago

I'm a Ninja Gaiden runner(Still on the learning ropes, got my first run - 14:11 - recently), and I was looking for something "similiar" to run(I don't plan on running it now, I still want to learn more about NG first). Well, I found this game, played it casually(I'm playing the Original version; I didn't enjoy playing as Jenny too xD), and I kinda got interested on running it(Again, not now), but I don't know how to begin, as there are no guides! I know, I could just watch the WR run, but how can a newcomer know what he is doing? I just need some information, like a beginner route for a stage(Any stage), useful(And useless) glitches/mechanics for the run and such things. Really, any information will help me for sure, and I'm gonna write everything here! (This thread can be useful for other newcomers, of course. I could even make my own beginner guide using your information as a base if I understand everything!)


The problems is the game completely changed since back when most of the people were still running the game I might go back to it and if that the case I could make a more detailed run (especially since all the drop are static and no longer random)


So... The game is just dead for now?

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