Wild West Marathons 2024 - Games
Wild West Marathons is a brand new anything goes* marathon dedicated to bringing you a variety of games and categories.
Howdy y'all! We're here to announce a new rootin and tootin marathon called Wild West Marathon. Our first event WWM2024 will be running from November 1st-3rd, 2024. This event will not be for a charity, at least this time 'round.
With submissions opening up on September 1st. You can find our Oengus link with submission info here: https://oengus.io/marathon/WW2024
Volunteer submissions open on September 1st as well! Find those here: https://forms.gle/X8AVfMXzDp6GBGgn8
As for games submissions, submit anything*. We'll take randomizers, bingos, races, multiworlds, TAS (commentated live), glitched runs, glitchless runs, showcases, and more.
*as long as the game abides by Twitch TOS https://www.twitch.tv/p/en/legal/terms-of-service/.
Join the Discord server here!
No Holidays Allowed 2024 is a charity event presented by the No Glitches Allowed Team dedicated to "anything goes" speedruns or showcases! More info in the post!
A Star Wars speedrunning marathon to be held on 5/4/2024-5/5/2024 (event length dependent on submissions volume)
No Holidays Allowed 2023 by No Glitches Allowed benefits Go Rescue Pet Adoption Center located in Norfolk, VA. The event will run Wednesday, December 6th-Saturday, December 9th, 2023.
Souls Charity Marathon is a community speedrun event filled with Souls series speedruns, bingo, randomizers, and our special feature relay race. Come join this one-of-a-kind event in efforts to raise funds for Save the Children.
Get ready, zombies fans - our next SRC Series challenge is Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies! It's time to face off against waves of the undead in this month's challenge which will test your skills and keep you on your toes.
This community has many ongoing events including but not limited to speedrun bounties, game shows, and custom speedrunning events with plans to host marathon charity events in the future.