Route since the recent update?
5 years ago

I've just come back to this game after some time away and a lot has changed. The old routes just won't work anymore from what I can see and the run has lengthened considerably especially with not having immediate access to the van or truck.

Is anyone still running or looking at the possibility of running?

I'm casually playing right now and looking to flesh out a run for a full assembly category.


First of all thank you for making this post! It gave me motivation to look into speedrunning finally :D I always wanted to do one, but never got around to committing to it.

I looked into a new route a bit, heres what i got so far:

The main problem is getting the tires to fleetari and back home. The Jonnes EZ has a little rack on the back now, so you can transport some small items with it, but afaik not tires. The tractor is way too slow, same with the boat. The van takes a while to spawn (1.3 h according to this reddit post This leaves us with either stealing the Ferndale (bad idea since Fleetari will trash the Satsuma) or stealing the Ruscko. A nice addition are the gt rims, which are available right from the start conveniently located between the Ventti house and Fleetari.

To steal the Ruscko we have to deal with the wasps. They go to sleep at 8pm, but are woken up if you start the engine of the Ruscko. So we have to buy a fire extinguisher, drive to the Ventii house and arrive later than 8 pm. Then we can kill the wasps. The Ruscko is low on fuel, just enough to get back to the store. After refueling we can get the tires and rims. The gt rims, which dont have tires on, can be left at fleetaris where we order new standard tires for them (fresh tires are required for the inspection now). Then we can take the old tires from the mansion to the home and put them on the satsuma. Since we dont have the Gifu to tow the satsuma, we have to drive the satsuma to the town for the inspection. A final detail is that we need enough money to pay for all required parts. Fortunately there is a present in the little room adjacent to the parents bedroom. That contains "random gift money" which is something 500+, enough for this run.

So the full plan goes like this: New game starts at 14:00. Grab the money from the present. Put the battery on the charger. Start assembling engine and suspension. After 20 minutes (4 ingame hours) grab the wrench set and the gasoline can and drive to the store with the Jonnes EZ. If taking the railtrack towards the garbage dump, we can arrive at the store just before 20:00. There we buy Fan Belt, Oil, Break Fluid, Sparkplugs and Fire extinguisher. Dont fil up the gasoline can just yet. Equip the screwdriver from the wrench set, take the fire extinguisher and drive to the Ventti house. Kill the wasps and drive the ruscko back to town. The shop is closed now, but the Pub is still open. Jump over the counter and activate the fuel pumps with the switch in the shop. Then refuel Ruscko and the gasoline can. Drive towards Fleetari and pick up both the GT Rims from the barn and the old tires from the mansion. Drive to Fleetari and sleep. If necessary, save and reload until 8am. (Thats why we need to take the wrench set with us) Put the Rims just behind Fleetaris door, so we can reach them from outside by leaning through the wall. Order new standard tires. Drive home and finish the satsuma. (remember to put the warning triangle in) Sleep and drive the satsuma to fleetari, exchaning the tires for the new ones. Drive to inspection center and finish.

I did a segmented practise run of this and it worked out pretty well. Took me a little less than 2 hours, but I think that can be improved a lot with practise and better assembly technique. I am currently working on making a video with footage from the practise run.

What do you think of this route?


Great route, thanks for sharing it. But I think it could have some improvements, but I didnt test it yet. You can drive to the Ruscko with the Kekmet and put it into water, avoiding fire extinguisher, but Kekmet is slow. If you go on your Jonnes you can go near the lake, faster. Last time I went with a fire extinguiser to kill the wasp, they killed me (was in the evening, not night, they were awake).

Another idea is to pull the satsuma into the inspection with the kekmet, witout mounting the engine. In previous versions you can pass the inspection without engine, idk if this bug is fixed.


Hmm, I think using the kekmet for pushing the ruscko into the water is not worth it, it takes 12 minutes to go to the store with it alone. (taking the railway and then doing the last bit on the highway) It really is sooooo slow. I dont think you can take the old driving route along the lake, I remember some patch notes saying that that was fixed. Might be worth a try though.

Building and tuning the engine can be done in 12 minutes as well, so I dont think its worth it taking the kekmet. Also you want to bring the wheels to fleetari relatively early in the run, since it takes some time until fleetari finishes them.

The wasps are 100% asleep if you arrive after 20:00. If you leave for the shop at 18:00 you arrive just before 20:00 at the shop. Then the time it takes to buy stuff and drive to the ruscko is enough so that you get there after 20:00.

I just did a practise run with this route. I made some mistakes and forgot the warning triangle at the end, so its not uploadable. Took me roughly 1h 40mins.


I see you have all times calculated for the run, nice! First speedrun I want to do is DTFI (drive to first intersection), before "Pass the inspection". Waiting for your run in the leaderboard when you finish it :)


Hope i get it done soon :) Btw how do you make a new leaderboard category? I assume this can only be done by the mods for this game?


Yes, I think so


Few comments/ideas:

  • Using Ferndale is not viable anyway since in the latest version Fleetari only gives the keys to it only when Satsuma is close to his office (so the Satsuma body would need to be towed with Kekmet)
  • It's actually 100% safe to kill the wasp in Ruscko with the fire extinguisher during daytime, as the fire extinguisher range is 4 units and wasp attack range is 2 units.
  • It's probably possible and beneficial to make the tire order from Fleetari before the rims are brought to him, since the game checks for their presence only when the order timer runs out (random between 23-43 minutes). Then you don't need to sleep and potentially save at Fleetari's place to wait for him to open and don't need to bring the toolset.
  • Looking at the game scripts, the inspection process still doesn't check for any engine parts, but it does check that wiring of some parts is installed. Thus installing some parts of the engine might be required e.g. for the battery terminals to show up (I need to take a closer look at this)
  • Not sure the money from the gift is actually needed? I watched a speedrun of this a week ago and I don't think he picked it up (though he used the boat thus no need for fire extinguisher)

Thank you dezgeg, we need a developer to see that things haha. The inspection dont check engine, its true, few years ago the any% run consisted in tow the Satsuma with gifu, without engine to the inspection, and it passed. But now we dont have the Gifu, so we need to drive the satsuma.

Great replies and thanks for fleshing out a new route.

Playing casually and have a lot of time right now so going to try some of these routes and see what other changes there has been in the last few months.

I was only running full assembly previously, back in 2017, so I think I'll run that again.


hi guys, so no new category will be created ? like a "pass the inspection 2020 uptdate" ?


New categories might be made, not sure if the old ones will be kept or archived.

Would be nice to see them archived if they have runs. I don't think it's possible to get old versions of the game so they can't be run anymore.

Uusimaa, Finland

This just in from test-branch log

"-Fixed bug with Tractor and Combine being able to drive underwater"

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