Difference between IOS and PC
6 years ago
Centre, France

Hi! I'm just here to ask a question. I play Mushihime-Sama on PC and I looked at the ios version. This one seems to me much faster than the PC version (probably thanks to the touch screen). If this is the case, would it be better to create another category?

Illinois, USA

Hi. The only difference for this game in the iOS compare to PC at least for gameplay only is using touch screen and Boss HP nerfed a little bit (I think. Maybe I need to look into the game for some time). Using the touch screen makes it faster to control with a finger. Very useful to dodge bullets especially comparing on using arrow buttons for PC version.

I used to make a category for an iOS version only and separate the other versions like months ago. Unfortunately, because the only way to play the iOS version is by using the older version of iPad or iPhone, it seems that most people don't have it or unable to play it (probably because of the risk of trying to find a way of going back to the older version like downgrade for example) and I'm only one who still has it because of me using older iPad.

The only way I could do is removing iOS version entirely from all Cave games. But I think that would be unfair since getting a Cave game without an emulator or iOS version is hard especially Futari and Daioujou. So my option would be debatable. Still you could find a way to play the iOS version

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
Centre, France

I think that this option is not very fair. Because it makes the ios score unbeatable by PC players. So it's a little unfair, don't you think? If the platforms are in the same category, it is because the games must be the same. But the differences of the ios version benefit the players of this platform. I think we need to find a solution to this problem.

Illinois, USA

I guess I have to delete the iOS version in the leaderboards then. I don't think anyone plays the iOS version except me so I might have to think on what to do with it soon

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
Centre, France

Thank you for taking the time to think about my suggestion :)

Illinois, USA

If I made the decision about the iOS for all Cave Games, I will make a Twitlonger for that topic and put the link to the new thread in src

Centre, France

ok thank you :)

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