Runs with no video proof?
6 years ago
United States

Top players use the GBA SP (due to ZZMT) and there is no easy way to capture gameplay from it. The majority of the community accept runs without video because of that.

Alberta, Canada

Yeah I totally agree with Tanya


U know always use a camera or emulator as gba emulators are quite accurate no reason for a gba system to accept run with no videos

Alberta, Canada

Imo, I think the wr time by shock should be removed. No video? Didn't happen

CYLITM und MelonSlice gefällt das.

We can't really force it tho with a site mod as he mods the game :/ so idk if telling a site mod would do anything.

Massachusetts, USA

I appreciate your concern, but I do not plan on removing Shock's time from the leaderboards.

MKSC has a small (compared to the rest of the series) but active community that is almost entirely focused on Time Trials (you can find a link to the rankings by clicking here or on the "Website / Wikipedia" link in the side bar). Shock has been the reigning Time Trial champ since April 2012, currently holds 69/80 Non-SC WRs (as seen here), and has video evidence for the vast majority of his Time Trial records over the years.

Due to the nature of the game's mechanics, the only viable ways to play at top level are either on GBA or DS (or their variants, such as the GBA SP or DS Lite). This makes it very inconvenient and/or costly to record MKSC speedruns (at top level). Due to general lack of interest in speedruns within the community, coupled with MKSC's great replay system for Time Trials, no one in the community (aside from me) has bothered to invest in "proper" recording equipment (aka a DS capture card).

You're free to ignore Shock's time if the lack of video bothers you. However, I think it's important to keep it on the leaderboard as it is accepted by the community as the WR, and it would be disingenuous to call my time a WR, because Shock has several runs faster that mine (primarily from community SRL races in 2013). I've even witnessed Shock do a run faster than mine at a community meet in summer 2017.

iMathII, 1 und 7 Andere gefällt das.
Florida, USA
He/Him, They/Them
6 years ago

As much as I dislike agreeing with Lafungo, he's right. Recording MKSC live is annoying as hell to try to do, especially for an hour. 99.9% of the MKSC community's action comes from time trials, so who cares that much. I regard full game runs as not that much more than a meme, and I doubt many others in the community would disagree. It may not be 2004, but this is being played on a handheld console that isn't suited for live recording. Emu sucks, VC is useless and slow, a DS and cap card is $125 and up and I can barely use a DS to play, and a ZZMT GBA SP doesn't have many options. A GBA Player drops frames, killing mts, and live recording is incredibly awkward. Also, regarding the "hey I claimed a 49" thing, 1. its impossible without lapskips (banned) and 2. Why on earth would we trust someone who came out of the blue to destroy WR by 10 minutes?

-Hard to record -No one in the community really cares that much about speedruns of the game -Expensive to record in good quality and requires switching consoles for many -GBA Player drops frames and kills MTs -Shock has video for anything else you could dream of, so doubting him is pointless, he's also a living legend -3 people complaining isn't enough to remove a WR by a respected player who can prove themselves 100 times over

tl;dr no

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
iMathII, Sizzyl und 4 Andere gefällt das.
North Carolina, USA

Hey guys, decided to finally make an account here.

"Easy ways to record your game:

  • GameCube Gameboy Player and use EZCap (20 dollar)
  • DS Cap card (if you have one)
  • Emulator, literally anyone can record this
  • External camera or webcam pointed to your gameboy
  • Wii U VC"

GameCube Gameboy player has frame lag which drops ZZMT charges (Chris had this problem when he tried it, for instance.) I also don't have a GC or capcard. I do not have a DS or a DS Cap card, and Lafungo is the only person I know who has this and also a pro-ZZMT console. It's also costly and would take me a long time to try to adjust to driving with a DS after playing on an SP for so many years. Emulator: I'm sure I could get a run, but it would be non-ZZMT and driven with an Xbox 3rd party controller. It's not going to be WR-level, to say the least. I've tried pointing a camera at my GBA and do have a live vid somewhere of me getting 48"xx Player's Page rules on Cheep Cheep Island. It was very uncomfortable and difficult to do this, though, and there's no way this is sustainable for an hour of driving. I do not have a Wii U and don't plan on getting one.

Money is a serious issue for me, otherwise I would love to try something like getting a GoPro or something and trying to stream that way, lol

In any case, Lafungo and Rusty basically already said what I was thinking. Mostly making this post so you guys know I've seen this topic and I sympathize with your concerns, but I'm not aware of any feasible solution at the moment.

iMathII, Sizzyl und 7 Andere gefällt das.
Frederiksborg, Denmark

The only people this objectively affects is people in the MKSC community, and they all trust the record i.e. have no problem with it. Saying that, of course it would be optimal with a video, however it is not the highest of concerns, especially with it being such a bother to record. I am honestly baffled as to why you would care so much over an issue like this, and I feel like it is more your issue than it is the community's.

Sizzyl und rusto gefällt das.
Gelderland, Netherlands

yall dumb af if you claim emu is a good reason to require vid on all runs jesus christ

Sizzyl, 1 und 3 Andere gefällt das.
Florida, USA
He/Him, They/Them
6 years ago

"Either way there is no video evidence for this run. In my eyes i just cant see it as legit. No matter how trusted they are"

Well, I suppose you don't trust a lot of people then, including myself. That's a shame, as

  1. I did it (my runs sucks though)
  2. Shock did it (and has more video proof than pretty much anyone on this thread)
  3. Several other people apparently lied about their times because you won't trust us.

The time trial community has been around since... whenever SMK came out. The site has run on a site of trust ever since it has existed, and I see no reason why it should change. On a leaderboard that no one really cares about, where recording is extremely difficult or costly, and essentially a branch from a site based on a trust system, there's no reason to doubt this. I've known Shock for almost 2 years now, and others have known him many years, and there is no shred of evidence to suggest he faked that run. I trust him, and no doubt everyone with a faint connection to MKSC does.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
Seydie gefällt das.
United Kingdom

@Goomba I agree with that just because you can and use a emulator doesn’t mean that video needs to be required that’s just plain stupid af

United States

@Shock_AL Nice to see you around! The name is Shock is actually available since it hasn't been used for more than 6 months and has 0 runs.

North Carolina, USA

Thanks Omar; I couldn't join with this username so I assumed I wouldn't be able to change it to this.

Elims und Omar gefällt das.
United Kingdom

I’m goona be running this game soon and I’m going to use zzmt in my runs


Hey everyone, so while I was reading this topic, I just kept wondering about this... I get that the current WR holder(s) of these categories must be very respected in the community due to them being skillful players. O also get that yes, recording speedruns of any GBA action game must be very, very difficult for many reasons, but...

To use this run as an example, how did Lafungo make sure that Shock's run was legitimate? Was there a screenshot of the time, alongside a Game Boy Advance that's playing MKSC? Was there a SRL log that could confirm this time happened? Or was there something else I missed?

I apologize if I come off as annoying, I'm just... well, curious about how those runs get verified, if at all ;-;

iMathII gefällt das.
Massachusetts, USA

Shock's run was set during an SRL race, as seen here:!/48697.

That aside, as explained earlier in this thread: if you're looking for concrete evidence that Shock set a 59:42, there is none. The run wasn't verified in a vacuum; the run was verified because Shock is.

Arkansas, USA

Bit late, but no, emulators aren’t anywhere near akin to playing the actual game. Recording a SP is pretty difficult. Shock’s run is real. Was there, along with the others who were active in 2013. He’s just really good.

iMathII gefällt das.
Georgia, USA

there is one solution to the sp problem, and thats that you can connect an sp to a gamecube with the gameboy to gamecube link cable, then use the gameboy player and use the sp as a controller. there's also a problem i have with lafungo's mushroom cup run, there's no reason to not have a recording of it, because it's done on emulator.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 5 years ago
NeoKad gefällt das.
Florida, USA
He/Him, They/Them
5 years ago

The GBP drops frames, which ruins zzmt inputs

iMathII gefällt das.
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