IL runs
4 years ago
Vatican City

There should be an IL leaderboard

Georgia, USA
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

ding ding

Serving up a Level Leaderboard.

Saturnb gefällt das.
Georgia, USA
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

Hello again! I wanted to let you know that if you just submit your entire Any% Factory run for the ILs and do the math based on the timing rules, that will be accepted. For most of your videos, the issue has been that the video hasn't included the official "Start" and "Stop" times for the speedrun.

For the Any% categories, the video needs to include selecting the Forest level (you have had that in your videos) as that is the "Start" of the speedrun, as well as the photograph flash after Mimpi goes to sleep after defeating the robot and going to sleep (that has not been in any videos you have submitted so far). We use the photograph flash because it's really easy to time the end of the run based on that. That photograph flash also applies to the end of any IL run that you submit. So far, we are okay with marking the start of an IL run as the time you progress past the photograph of the previous level, so Any% runs are fine to submit for ILs unless we figure out that there's a time difference between that and selecting the IL from main menu.

If it helps at all, I timed the ILs from the video I rejected just to give you an idea. Forest - 1:19 Electricity - 3:32 Ocean - 4:05 Fairytale - 4:27 Castle - 5:03 Factory - Couldn't time, since the video ends before the level ends.

I appreciate you submitting times, so I just wanted to be fair and include a longer post to explain why the runs were rejected. If you are okay with this, you can submit your rejected Any% video for the first 5 ILs with the times I listed above and I will accept them.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 4 years ago
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