Is this glitch still working with the latest set of updates? was trying to show my friend the silenced rocket launcher but for some reason i cant do it, same with changing like the stock on the renov to the m2000 stock or equipping it with a LMG mag etc
You can still do it in up to date version. But you have to have a backup instalation in 1.2 like i do. Glitched weapon created in 1.2 carry over in 1.4. Unless you still have this version you cannot do that glitch.
lmfao and lets just say im able to get this ....... elsewhere >:D am i able to copy over the save data to my current 1.4 game?
Hm i don't know actually. 1.2 can overwrite 1.4 saves without any issue. and 1.2 carry over perfectly to 1.4.
yknow now that i cant actually do this, im finding it to be a little... well excessively unfair tbh, now you have people raiding your base with silenced launchers etc but you cannot do anything to combat with that lol