New Category
3 years ago
Kentucky, USA

Idk if this was already picked put, I decided to want %pink sheep category, we would have to either find it, or kill it, set seed, and random seed, I don’t matter, but if you don’t like it, it’s fine....

Kentucky, USA

It can be easier if someone found a seed with a pink sheep in it tho..

0yiqitozturk gefällt das.

i think the sheep spawn in random colors tho

Owfi und Seva gefällt das.

so resseting makes it boring af

Kentucky, USA

i found a ss with pink sheep ALWAYS i think.... 2942736505878736687.... try it..


for rsg u would have to dye it anyway whitch is too similar to stk


also like does it just need to be on your screen? or do you need to hit it? like what do you do if its just on your screen and/or in ur crosshiar and its 0 seconds?

Basque Country

@Broderick.Stiles which version is the seed

Basque Country

oh lol f the pin

Urbyn gefällt das.

if its find the sheep, the run will just be reset for a pink sheep spawn in ur line of sight on ur first frame... thats not really to good of a run, if its kill it would be the same, but just criting it fast, all rng for 1 and almost all rng for another, really not very fun.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 3 years ago
Urbyn gefällt das.
Kentucky, USA

well i was was just requesting it to see your thoughts about this, but anyways thinks for the posts man....

Kentucky, USA

also @KilleDragon just try ever version because it didnt say, thx for post :)..


bru the wr will be 0 seconds so whats the point?

Kentucky, USA

id rather just kill it..... then find it. but for know just message the mods and lets see what their thoughts about this is..

Kentucky, USA

but im not forcing this to be a category, just your thoughts..


this will never work there already is a sheap thing and there is no skill in it

Kentucky, USA

ok, it isnt a category then, thx for posts Wwfour..

South Carolina, USA

WwFour bro it's a speedrun for crafting so hush and go be ungrateful somewhere else.

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Updated requirements for Category Extensions

Submissions for Category Extensions must now follow the same standards of showing F3 asked of main board runs - showing the title screen will no longer be considered verifiable going forwards.

23 days ago