Does playing on keyboard or Xbox controller on mobile allow?
3 years ago

So, I'm gonna do a SSG run,and I was wondering if I could my keyboard or Xbox to play on mobile since the mobile control sucks. Will I get ban or no?

Act_ und MinecraftGaming gefällt das.
New South Wales, Australia

no offence but your grammar sucks, so I don't know what you are saying.

Texas, USA

They're saying if they can use keyboard or a controller on mobile since touchscreen sucks.

And no you won't, but read rules and you'll get your answer.

Tutterey gefällt das.
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

I can't say this enough. Read. The. Rules. I love how you go to the leaderboards and don't even click the rules button. It's common sense, you should try it sometime.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Oh_my_gourdness und 2 Andere gefällt das.
Queensland, Australia

just buy the xbox version of bedrock if you are gonna play with an xbox controller, it's usually discounted im pretty sure


No it's not play with touch screen

South Africa

Word of caution for your run cant stress this enough TURN STARTING MAP OFF my 10m 59s run was rejected for having it on btw its on by default and i have got a 6m47s 11th place run now.



Act_ und MinecraftGaming gefällt das.

Ofc not, why would you think using any controller for a mobile run is allowed, it could be an "unfair advantage" to those who werent using it

He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Mobile rules: "All input methods are legal." Stop spreading false information.

YUMmy_Bacon5 und Oh_my_gourdness gefällt das.
Texas, USA

@Gamer525125 ok mobile user

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New proof rules for top level runs

Hello Runners.

We have a new rule for all platforms, for random seed runs.

After completing a Top Run (Top 5 Main Category/1st ILs), you must exit the world and go to the main menu.

For top Windows runners, you still have to do PowerShell verification.

For Ps4/Ps5, this rule

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