I forgot I made this when I was learning the game. It's not easy to read but the lines are clean. We don't have any guides or tutorials yet so I figured this is an easy way to start. I'm not going to explain every puzzle with this. I always recommend beating a game without help by yourself before speedrunning it. Although you might need a guide for a first playthrough of this game :L
Castle: Go to shop, get all magic except Heal. If you can't or won't do the double jump in B6, you need to return to get Water. Graveyard: Go left from entrance and push aside the gravestone that's diagonally 1 away from the back-left corner grave. Enter.
0. Go into Mode and turn Damage Number on. Enemies in this game take different damage values depending on where you hit them with a sword! This is critical for a boss near the end, but it's cool and helpful so why not? Do this when you're equipping Needlecrack for the Orc fight.
- Use Needlecrack (Air, Fire, Earth) on the Orcs. You will use Needlecrack a lot in the run btw. Get Key 1.
- Use Key 1 on the locked door. Use all your magic before entering the Door Switch room. The tables will each have free magic refill including the Heal we skipped earlier :) Also hit the Switch to open a locked door
- Beat the sponge boss. Use Fire on orb worms that won't die. Get any Meat or Fire that's dropped. If you have trouble getting on the boss' 'head', try jump attacks. Don't worry about health unless you're almost dead and it's not. All bosses refill your health completely when you beat them.
- Get Maximum Life and Key 2.
- Attack the Magician, not the Skeletons. He can drop a Green Potion!!
- Do puzzles and hit the next Door Switch.
- In the windy room, get in front of a pillar as soon as you can. You won't be able to move forward when the wind is strongest so you don't want to waste time being less ahead than you should be. On the next wind cycle get in front of the 3rd pillar, then finally make way to the entrance.
- The Lily Pad enemies can drop the best armor in the game but it's very rare. I haven't seen it yet myself. I wouldn't kill more than 1 of them a run.
- Get the Rapier and equip it. Hit the last Door Switch.
- Use Fire on the Red Dragon but don't be too close or it'll miss. If you run out, use jump slashes.
- Use the teleportal, talk with the King, go down to B2.
- Visit the teleportal room and leave to save it.
- Get the Gold Key from the dude. Go back to the gate across from the B2 entrance and enter.
- Push the prism down and left so its laser shoots at the gargoyle statue facing the room entrance. Enter the secret entrance. Get the Green Potion.
- In the room with the dead skeleton, break the pillars in the right corner of the room and hit the switch behind them. Enter that secret room and get the Sextant.
- The sponge-tentacle enemies have a safe spot to slash them without you getting hurt. It's close to the corner of their body facing the viewer.
- N, E, W, S. Get Blue Orb. Use the Sextant to go back to the center of the floor.
- Go back the way where you met the guy with the Gold Key.
- In the windy room, just equip only Fire and shoot directly left from the right edge of the gray boxes near the orc and door.
- Use Fire on the Two-headed Boss. When you run out, try to smack one of its heads so that it bounces and comes back at you repeatedly.
- Smack the ghosts together so you can hit all of them at once. Alternatively, have them face each other so they can shoot fireballs at each other.
- Get the orcs all on one side and use Needlecrack. Use Green Potion here if you need more magic, or at any point after this.
- R, Y, G, B. Green Orb Get. Use Sextant.
- Go NE this time.
- You need to hit the grandfather clock. There's no way to get the bomb close to the door in time without the time stop.
- The flame pillar and exploding barrel room can make you lose a lot of time. There will be some isometric nonsense here so play it safe until you get a feel for what works and what doesn't.
- Needlecrack on Wizards. Attack from a corner so you can line them up. Attack often so you don't miss or get hit by them as much.
- Bottom, Left, Right, Top, Left, Right, Bottom. Got Red Orb. Sextant out.
- Last direction, NW.
- In the room with the damaging laser prism and tentacle-sponge, switch to Fire, jump and shoot at the wall switch. Then jump on the lowered platform and slash the other one.
- Use Fire on the green worms coming up. They can drop good Food.
- ☽, ☆, ●, ○. Get Yellow Orb.
- Jump and use Needlecrack on Lamia. You can get double hits as she spins around and gets hit twice by the same beam.
- Switch to Wind in Red Slime room. Go next to the gray block and shoot NE to hit the switch. Fire won't work as easily.
- Push the short bomb away from the clock. Push the middle bomb on the switch. Push the long bomb onto the platform, then to the door.
- Switch to Thunder (Air, Earth) for Water Dragon. !Warning! When I open the pause menu in the corridor outside, then unpause and immediately enter the boss room, my game sometimes FREEZES (hardlocks). This has happened on Everdrive and Cartridge. This might only happen to me, but I'm telling you in case it's not just me!
- Jump and spam Thunder on the Water Dragon and make your way to the door behind him. Keep spamming. He should die very fast.
- The switch+bomb+prism puzzle is one of the hardest on the route. Make sure you know what you're doing every time and make it as fast as possible. Get the Costume!
- Backtrack. Use the Costume to look like an Orc. Go into the Battle Arena and exit SE. Talk with the Orc and go through the door. 8. This is the first glitch in the run and it's not easy. It is frame perfect (I haven't checked for sure, I'll update if I find out it's not). Unless you're talented, you will spend minutes of time here in runs even if you've practiced - it's that hard to do. After a few runs, it should take less than a minute tops but it can still be a reset point. If you don't want to do this, just follow the path around and you'll end up fighting a spider boss that's ... the hardest to hit in the game in my opinion :I. Strats are up to you but make sure you've saved if you don't know what you're doing in that fight. Anyway, the glitch is hard but at least it's simple. Basically, it's a double jump. Equip Shield (Fire, Earth, Heal). Jump and 'shoot' the Shield (press A), then jump again on the frame of the apex of your jump (the highest point). You want to double jump from the lower platform into the high right entrance in the wall. By the way, Shield never disappears unless you get hit enough or change Magic! You can practice double jumping anywhere in the game! This isn't the only time this is used! We'll have to do it again near the end of the game.
- Equip Fire and jump and shoot North off of the yellow floor to hit the door switch.
- Use Fire on the green worms.
- You need to be quick in the boulder+platform room. They will hurt you if they land on you. Get Key 3.
- Backtrack, backtrack. This time leave NE from the battle arena and put on the Costume again. If you need Food, go to the door on the left and pick some up. Otherwise, head all the way right and talk to the Orc in front of the door.
- G, A, R, R, I, O, T, T. Take off the Costume.
^ Ah, this map is outdated. It's faster to go right when you start out, as long as you do the puzzle first try. I'll update this later, sorry ^_^;
1A. Right, so the easy but slower way is going left all the way around to the SE side.
1B. First, if you go right, that ghost is always going to hit you so juke him. Next, the sliding barrel room IS the HARDEST puzzle in the route.
1Ba. Okay, go around the bottom barrel and push it into the right one. They should bonk the moving platform on the wall. This requires specific timing! It's not doing it as fast as you can, it's a little slower than that.
1Bb. Immediately push one or both of the barrels down SE. One barrel needs to be right of the moving platform down here. Follow it onto the spikes and push it NE to the corner! It will start ticking once it's on spikes. If it's left of the platform, it's stuck and you need to retry from the beginning.
1Bc. As soon as you can, push it down SE towards the door. It should blow up and open the door! Congrats!
1Bd. In the single block+ice room, push it NE and right after run against the door. It should slide into the switch, giving you enough time to slip through.
2. Enter and exit the teleportal room.
3. Kill the Zombies with Turn Undead (Air, Earth, Heal).
4. Just run and jump across the spikes. Get Crest and Sextant back.
5. Go left/West, show your Crest to the Wizards and enter. If you accidentally attack them, just re-enter the room :P
6. Needlecrack the Wizards here.
7. Go NE behind the tentacle sponge to warp to the Dragon armor. It seems out of the way but we're going to fight a lot of enemies soon, including a tank, so yeah you want this. Remember to equip it!
8. This "Simon Says" puzzle goes for 9 turns. Don't underestimate the difficulty here. If you screw up on the 8th or 9th turn you're looking at a full minute time loss! It's not that it's hard, rather you may get distracted by a chatter or person in a voice call, and the pattern just slips right out of your short term memory. Just a warning ¦3
9. Needlecrack Wizards again.
10. Thunder the Scorpion. Get Key 4. Sextant back.
11. Go left/West even farther. The solution for this puzzle is: left-center, right-center, bottom-center, top-center.
12. Fire room! Just go to the topmost column, then run straight rightwards into the wall. You should get stuck in place. If so, just keep running and you'll dodge all of the fireballs. It takes like a minute to figure this spot out so please do so beforehand. If you somehow fart it up, jump on the column from the sign and spam jump and Heal. You will lose a lot of health.
13. In the long bomb room, don't hesitate, stop or push the wrong way. You need all the time the bomb timer has.
14. Armor Shadow is pretty finicky. Use Thunder on the little black circle skittering about. If you get lucky you can get double hits! Try to avoid cornering it as the shadow will be mostly off-screen. Also try to avoid being grabbed by the armor as it wastes time and health.
You gain Light Crusader!
Go to the Dark World first, it's directly South. If you're fast enough with clearing text bubbles and movement, you can get to it without waiting for the crystal do another rotation. If you're low on magic, consider going to Ice World first.
Switch high on a wall? Jump and Fire!
In the next room, push the prism against the switch and get Iron Gloves. Like I said before, lots of enemies coming up and this armor is almost literally in your way. Equip it!
Needlecrack the shadow Orcs. Slash them if you're low on magic.
Thunder the shadow Armors. These guys can't be hit from the front, which is really annoying in the dark. Thunder makes that a little easier.
Go to Ice World. That's Northwest.
3 Boulder puzzle. Work on a smooth, fast solution here.
Fire the Green Worm as usual.
Switch high on a wall? Jump and Fire! Go directly South of the rightmost platform, then jump and shoot up.
Fight magic with magic. Use Fire. Kill them one by one and pick up all of their goodies. Start with Earth or Wind, then take out Heal, then finally Fire so you don't waste any. It will get very laggy here. Also, if you killed 2 or 3, the sprite limit will get hit and some of the Magic orbs will disappear. They're still there, just walk around where the Magic died! The Magic is now in you. It's gone if you overuse it though -- or die. :P
Use Thunder on Red Dragon this time. You can get double hits. !Warning! Yep, I've had my game freeze here too! It's frozen here more than Water Dragon actually. It happened when I spammed Thunder as fast as possible, and also when it uses its Wind attack. So, I slow down my attacks which tends to relate with no hardlocks but I don't know for sure, nor do I know if it's only me or not. Again, just a warning!
Now we're going to do the rest. The order is up to you but I do them in counter-clockwise order. So third will be Japan World, to the Southeast. Needlecrack the Ninjas, make sure to line them up. They may drop Power Gloves, or the other one (forgot the name), which is rare but worth equipping as they're better gloves.
Cowboy World to the East.
In the 2nd barrel+flame puzzle, just push the barrel and don't stop until it's next to the door. It's rough but it is faster than hitting the switches and going back.
Slash the cowboys. You want to save magic for now.
This brown worm boss is tedious. It's also why we put on Damage Numbers! You want to find the side of it that's weakest, that will say "10" damage, and stay on that side. When it flies that side will change so check again. Also try not to stay next to the wall as it will bounce towards you making it hard to attack.
City World is Northeast. Turn Undead for Zombies. Don't worry if you get Poisoned, it goes away quickly. Cheese cures it.
Future World to the North.
Switch high on a wall? Jump and Fire! Except you might hit the other switch or the Robo-Egg, so just jump and slash at it if you miss.
Repeat in the next room.
Stand in front of the big Crystal and slash until dead.
Fire on or slash the Robo-Eggs. They have good Food drops including meats so keep an eye out.
This boss is a huge piece. First, slash slash slash until the core appears. When the core appears, slash slash slash at it but, keep a very slight distance. You'll notice if you're attacking point-blank, you'll miss a lot. That's because the sword's hurtbox is more of the tip than the full blade unfortunately. In any case you'll see what I mean. It's a pain especially as the slimes keep pushing you away from the core. Just keep at it. If I find a better strat, I'll update this.
War World #1 to the West. Slash soldiers and mortars. Mortars can drop fish or meats.
Yes, that is a tank. Jump on it and don't stop attacking the top part. All of your Food is going to be used up here but just keep at it.
War World #2 to the Southwest.
Slash soldiers.
Freeze (Wind, Heal) the Walker Robot then slash it. If you don't Freeze it, you have to jump to slash it.
Talk with a Wizard and wait for the crystal to turn transparent. Go in.
Slash Necromancer when he's close. Try to corner him to get more hits faster. If he's in the air, jump and shoot Fire at him. If he has a ring of rocks spinning around him, he'll be invincible until he shoots them. Warning: Try to keep at least 3 Wind, Earth, and Heal for most of the next floor. If you don't have it to use Turn Undead on some foes you cannot get to the end, and going back to farm or buy more magic will take way too long.
- Push the big boulder down (SE) and left (SW). Push the small boulder down (SE). Then push the big boulder up (NE) into the small boulder, dragging both until you can push the small boulder into the hole. Push it on the left switch and exit.
- This wind+barrel room is fairly tough. As soon as you get in, immediately jump over to the barrel, hit it, push it to the next orange boxes, wait for the "1" to rise above the barrel sprite, then push it left (SW) off the boxes. The wind should carry it to the door and it will explode right there. Follow it and exit.
- Alright, options time! You can go glitchless, in which case this is when you'll need that Water from the shop, you can go for another double jump like we did in B3, or you can go all out for a triple jump! The triple jump is nuts. You can actually chain those Shield double jumps infinitely, you just need to do a frame-perfect jump at the apex each time. Here, you just need to do 2 jumps back to back at the first bridge. If you succeed, you'll skip the next boss and everything in between, saving at least 2 minutes. Otherwise, continue on. Go past the Save room. Do the boulder puzzle and go over the wall. Take a right (SE), wrap around, get the Silver Key. Push the Silver Key's chest towards the bridge and then do the double jump off of that. Follow the path SE. Needlecrack the Wizards. For the Obese Demon, first of all avoid hitting its crystal. That will heal it. Don't worry about its flame breath, just whack it with your sword and try to catch it as it bounces around. I don't remember the glitchless stuff ^_^;
- Use Turn Undead on the skeletons. Once they're dead, you don't need magic to beat the game, though it would be really slow.
- Needlecrack the Orcs.
- Use Judgement (Wind, Fire, Earth, Heal - all of them) on the White Slimes if you have enough magic.
- Needlecrack the Mimics.
- This is it! After the dude dies, when the camera pans up, you can move again. Jump to the platform and start breaking the 4 gems. They take 10 hits each. When you attack the higher ones, you may be forced to aim at the head and fall down. Just reposition to be more left-facing. With the gems gone, stand on his lap left of his head. Switch to Earthquake, jump, and shoot all of it you have. 36 Earthquake will kill Ramiah. Otherwise, just jump and slash until he's dead. If he uses Judgement, it'll knock you away, so just get back in position. Nothing else will hurt you.
That's everything important I think. Anyway, hope this is helpful! Good luck!