Lakeview Cabin Collection IV
Lakeview Cabin Collection IV
Aktualisiert 3 years ago von LARKY

1.1 Main Goal Your main goal is to collect the four gas cans scattered around the place to get your car running again and leave this accursed place. Thankfully, the locations oft he cans are fixed:

  1. Right at the beginning inside the abandoned gas station
  2. The attic of the mansion, in one of the four rooms occupied by „rats“
  3. The basement of the mansion, inside the locked trap room
  4. In the last room of the Lakeside Slaughterhouse

In order to gas up your car, simply toss the can towards it – the van will gas up automatically. For every gas can, you can move your car forward a bit. You can also simply gas it up completely and then start driving all the way in one go – your call. Be careful though: Gas cans are quite … fragile. One hit with pretty much anything in this game will cause it to explode, killing your character in the process. While collecting the cans, you should keep one thing in mind: Go for the gas can in the slaughterhouse LAST. Unless you wish to get the achievement „Here piggy piggy“, you don’t want to mess with what’s inside that place too early. As many of you probably already experienced, the inhabitant of the slaughterhouse functions a bit differently than the rest of the cannibals.

1.2 Insanity This chapter of the collection also introduced the „insanity meter“ – witnessing or commiting disturbing acts causes your character to slowly go insane. Being injured also increases the level, but not as much. Signs for insanity include: Rock music in the background that slowly grows louder, vision turning red, the entire screen becoming disorted and finally, at a high insanity level, random hallucinations that act as jumpscares. To fix your sanity, simply leave the mansion and wait a few seconds for your character to catch her breath. Your screen might remain in an askew position, but switching characters for a while will fix this issue. 2. The Mansion - General Tips

Now the guide gets less linear. I’ll try to cover all the possible rooms that you can get, what randomized obstacles you can find inside and how to handle them the best way possible. The most important rule: Use the function to peek though keyholes as much as possible. You want to know what you‘re dealing with before entering a room.

2.1.1 Traps

While peeking though a keyhole, check the room for randomized traps. While traps that are triggered by trip wire are always in the same position, there are also two types of traps that can spawn randomly in almost any room.

The first one is a bloodied blade hanging from the ceiling. You can recognize it by it’s odd swinging movement. Upon entering the room, the blade will start moving from left to right, dropping the moment you walk under it. However, if you don’t stop walking, the blade will miss you. In rooms with attentive inhabitants, avoiding this trap can be difficult though. To my knowledge, getting hit by the blade „only“ gravely injures your character. Be careful, as this trap is invisible at night time! For the sadists amoung you: The pregnant lady can be used as meat shield for this trap, resulting in her death (and an easter egg). The second trap is a spear trap that is usually placed right under an item that you want to pick up. If you see some odd red stripes/poles right below a randomized item, it’s rigged. Walking over the item won’t do anything, picking it up however will make the spears/nails pop up and impale your character. It can be avoided by picking up the item and running away immediately, but, as this trap is insta-kill, consider if you really need that object.

For the trip wire-traps, there are three variations: Shotgun (shotgun at the end of the wire): Walking over the trip wire will cause a shotgun to go off and gravely injure your character at perfect health. In some cases, it’s best to trigger the trap on purpose with a healthy character. This trap is also perfect for being used against the inhabitants, see the paragraph „Alarms“ below. Alarm (yellow bell at the end of the wire): Walking over the trip wire will set off an alarm. See the paragraph „Alarms“ below for information what this causes. Chum Bucket (grey and red bucket at the end of the wire): Walking over the trip wire will splash your character with blood, bowels and what else, bringing their insanity meter up to the point of hallucinations. Since this condition can be fixed easily, this is the least dangerous trap.

2.1.2 Alarms If you alert an inhabitant to your presence and there’s an alarm switch within reach, they will trigger an alarm. Sucker punching them and running before they see you doesn’t cause them to trigger an alarm, curiously. You don’t want the alarm to be triggered too early, as this makes traversing the house much more diffcult… or easier, if you play your cards right.

Once an alarm is triggered, all inhabitants of the house will be alerted and start pacing around in their rooms, grabbing any weapon they find. Some of the doors inside the mansion will also be locked as long as an alarm rings. Also, the alarm will cause the „rats“ from the attic to leave their rooms and start roaming the mansion. They will cover every room with a vent in it, so even if you cleared a room, the rats might still get you in there (if you see a vent vibrating and hear the muffled sound of something walking on metal, leave the room immediately). Part of their route through the house is also the basement dungeon… every character trapped down there will get killed by them. So don’t trigger an alarm if someone’s still down there. While it is possible for a character to free themselves from the trap room by taking the key from the woman's corpse (see "Basement" below), it's not guaranteed that they'll be able to leave the basement without alerting the machete man, so try to remain undetected. Last but not least, the machete man who always sticks to his little basement room will come out and start roaming the basement hallway. This can be a nuisance, as he can be ignored as long as he stays in his room, but must be killed once he patrols the hallway.

The alarm can be turned off in any room with a switch in it. Keep in mind that if the inhabitant who triggered the alarm is still alive, they will simply turn it back on. So kill the one who caused the alarm and shut it off once more. Afterwards, the inhabitants will eventually return to their idle positions (with some exceptions, like the couple in the „playroom“). The rats will, once summoned, roam the mansion for the rest of the game, even if the alarm is turned off. Same goes for the man in the basement.

While alarms make everything much more difficult, they have one redeeming factor: The inhabitants will trigger any trap they come across while they’re pacing around in alerted mode (except the random fall blade/spear traps). They’ll stumble into trap doors, set off shotgun trip wire-traps, etc. So all in all, you remove the danger of traps, but have to face more foes in return. Pick your poison. My tip is to not set off the alarm unless you really need to. Traps can usually be avoided if you’re paying attention. Also, while the game requires you to set off the alarm at one point in order to get the gas can in the attic, a lucky randomized item loadout allows you to beat the game without ever tripping any alarms. 2.1 The Mansion - Entrance The mansion itself is the most difficult part, as you need luck to challenge this place properly. So after collecting the gas can in the gas station, simply make your way to the left and – OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT. Your first instinct might be to run away, but simply ignore this little… event… and let yourself get knocked over. Running away is the wrong option, as the path to the right leads to a trap door. And you don’t want your first character to be trapped already. W-well, after this… „mildly unsettling“ encounter, walk towards the mansion and peek through the door.

You’ll see the main lobby, with one door on the left and one door on the right. This is where the randomizing begins. There are two out of four possible things that can spawn here:

  1. A bone
  2. A normal rug
  3. A rug with a trap door underneath it
  4. A bear trap

The ideal combination would be bone and bear trap, as you can be sure there won’t be any trap doors in this room and get your hands on a good weapon already. If you see a bear trap or a rug, don’t enter the mansion yet, but keep walking towards the slaughterhouse. You should spot a sack of wheat in front of the chicken cages (it’s sometimes a bit obscured by the surroundings, but it’s always there!). Grab it, enter the mansion and toss it on the bear trap to disable it. You can also toss it on the rugs to test wether they’re traps doors or not. You really want a bear trap to spawn, since that provides you with your first means of defense for this trial. If both a bear trap and a rug spawn, I recommend disabling the trap first while avoiding the rug. You can use the bear trap to kill one of the cannibals soon enough, and their remains can be used to test the rug afterwards. 2.2 The Mansion - Rooms There's a total of 9 rooms you can get - the contents, order and sometimes even inhabitants being randomly generated with every new playthrough. Sometimes, you only need to cross 2 rooms until you reach the attic or basement, sometimes it's twice as much. 2.2.1 Bathroom

Threat Level: High Alarm switch: No Items: Random object spawning either on the left or near the door

Let’s start right off with the (in my opinion) most dangerous room you can get. Not only does this room contain two people to deal with, they also take notice of you immediately, so you’ll have no chance to sneak up on them and deal with the girls one after another. To make things worse, upon entering, you’re sandwiched between the two. I suggest to clear this room using either the hypno-wheel plus a weapon of your choice… or fire. Simply run in, toss in one of you fire-based items and leave the room again, waiting for the flames to do the rest. If you’ve triggered an alarm already, you might want to save the fire for the guy roaming the basement. The shotgun is also an option, but it takes two bullets each to kill the girls. You might want to conserve the ammo. 2.2.2 Dining Room

Threat Level: High Alarm switch: Yes Items: Random object spawning on the left or in the middle

The downside of this room is that you have to deal with two inhabitants at once. But luckily, they’re so busy chowing down the meat that they don’t take notice of you easily. In fact, the fancily-dressed man closest to you can be attacked without being seen. Since the person with the flesh mask is looking in your direction though, he’ll quickly take notice of you and might trigger an alarm. Once again, I suggest the use of hypno-wheel + weapon or fire, to get rid of them before they can attempt any counter-measures. Avoid this room if you haven’t stocked up on weapons yet. 2.2.3 Shower

Threat Level: Medium Alarm switch: No Items: Random object spawning on the left

This room might require some strategy, but careful timing works like a charm too. One of the inhabitants is so busy showering that he won’t notice you until you walk past him. The other one, however, constantly paces back and forth and will attack once he makes eye contact. Peek through the keyhole and wait for the him to have his back turned to you. Quickly enter the room and start hacking/smacking away on him before he walks past his buddy. If done right, you should be able to kill him without his partner even taking notice. Afterwards, try to get rid of the other guy. Curiously, fire works as well. Throwing for example a molotov cocktail into this room will not only ignite the two, they’ll also burn to death even though they are able to extinguish themselves under the shower. I’m not sure if this is bad AI or just a glitch on my end though. Keep this place in mind if you ever catch on fire by accident, as the shower can save your life. 2.2.4 Art Room

Threat Level: Low to Medium Alarm switch: Yes Items: Random object spawning near the door

One of the more pleasant rooms you can get in this game. The statue on the very right is in fact a human, who’s just waiting for you to walk past him to strike. Luckily, an item will spawn near the door you came through, it might be helpful to get rid of this nuisance. The best way to deal with this room is to bring a bear trap (usually found in the lobby). Simply toss it towards this suspicious statue and it should injure him. Take care, as this guy needs two hits from the bear trap to die. Missing the throw can have dire consequences, as not only the trap might block the door afterwards, but the guy can also knock you into the active trap as he goes in for his sucker punch. 2.2.5 Grandpa's Room

Threat Level: Low to Medium Alarm switch: Yes Items: Random object spawning on the right, random objects inside the drawer

A relatively easy room, that still requires you to act fast. As the old man in the rocking chair is facing the door, he’ll be alerted to your presence the moment you walk towards the door. Unlike the other inhabitants of the mansion, he does not engage you in combat immediately, but instead makes a dash to the right in order to hit the alarm button. Afterwards, if the item that spawned in this room is a weapon, he’ll grab it and start to attack you. If you want to get as far as possible without triggering any alarms, enter this room with a ranged weapon at hand. Tossing the bear trap after him is the best way to take care of the old man, as it takes only one hit with it to kill him. If you don’t have one at hand, a throwing axe or the shotgun will do the trick as well. Afterwards, check the cupboard next to the alarm switch several times, as those usually hold a range of useful items, often throwing axes or several shotgun shells. 2.2.6 Kitchen

Threat Level: Low to Medium Alarm switch: Yes Items: None

One of the easiest rooms in the game, if it wasn’t for the trip wire-trap that WILL spawn in this room. While the woman cooking is completely oblivious to everything and can be killed without much resistance (or ignored), the trip wire can mess up your entire game. You have to trigger this trap in order to reach the door. If it’s just a chum bucket – lucky you! Simply walk under it and leave the house afterwards so your character can recover from the shock. Shotgun and alarm bell make it more difficult though. If you have no characters trapped in the basement, you can try to trigger the alarm. Keep in mind to leave the room immediately, as the woman will take notice of this and starts attacking you. For the shotgun-trap, you have to consider carefully on wether you want to trigger it by yourself, gravely injuring one of your characters, or if you want to manually set of an alarm, causing the women to run into the shotgun trap (which comes with all the negative consequences a triggered alarm has). My suggestion is to pick a character at full health and set off the shotgun yourself.

This room also contains a hidden door: After getting rid of the woman, step on the black spot at the very right of the room. You can barely see the interaction symbol appearing below you, just press the button and the door opens up! 2.2.7 TV Room

Threat Level: Low Alarm switch: Yes Items: Random object spawning on the left, random objects inside the drawer

One of the easiest rooms in this game. This one can be traversed without any risk, as the only inhabitant is busy watching TV and no traps obscure the door. If you want to clear this room anyway, may it be for the sake of getting rid of all the enemies or if you wish to get your hands on the item that spawns in this room (or inside the drawer), you’ll have to take some minor risks. As with the kitchen, a trip wire-trap stops you from getting to the left half of the room. Once again, you must consider yourself what traps you want to trigger and how. Just like the woman in the kitchen, the inhabitant can be killed without much resistance as long as you keep hacking until he’s in pieces. Two shotgun shells from the distance should do the trick as well, without triggering the trap at all (or, if the trap happens to be a shotgun, shoot him once and wait for him to activate the trip wire as he charges after you). 2.2.8 Playroom

Threat Level: Low Alarm switch: Yes Items: Random object spawning on the right

As you can see, the two people in here are quite busy with each other, so this is one of the rooms you can easily breeze through (unless you want to get your hands on the item spawning on the right). What makes this room even easier is the fact that, if alerted, the two will stick closely together and can be killed easily. Any weapon will do in this case.

One reason to clear this room is if you want to see the pilgrim’s ghost-subplot and get the achievement „Last Will“, as this place has a hidden entrance to one of the secret rooms. Simply place one of your character in the device on the very right of the room and the hidden door will open. Then send in another character to check the place out. 2.2.9 Hunting Room

Threat Level: Low Alarm switch: Yes Items: One or two random objects spawning on the right, one of them can be a trap door

This room is very similar to Grandpa’s Room layout-wise. The main difference is that the inhabitant of this room is facing away from the door, thus making him unaware of your presence. On the other hand, this place is very prone to have randomized traps in it such as the falling blade. This is also the only randomized room that may have a trap door in it, so proceed with caution if you decide to clear out this place! This room also contains a hidden door – simply interact with the grandfather’s clock to open the passage. Be warned though, as this door can be glitched sometimes. One time, instead of leading me to one of the secret rooms, it dropped me in the final room of the slaughterhouse. 2.3 The Mansion - Attic So after fighting your way through all this mess, you’ll eventually reach the attic. Now things will be alot easier, as usually the good stuff is located here. Just be warned, as there is a chance that a trap door or a bear trap can spawn in the entrance of the attic and sometimes blend in with the surroundings.

Once you’ve made your way up, you can access four doors. If you haven’t triggered any alarms, not only will you get the achievement „They’re breeding them!“, but also see how many rats you’re actually dealing with: three out of the four rooms will have those pests running around in them.

This is usually the point where the game requires you to trigger an alarm, as one of your precious gas cans is guarded by one of the rats. If you’ve had a lucky loadout and for example managed to grab a hypno-wheel from the basement, you can easily skip this part by hypnotising said rat and steal the can from under it’s nose. The second rat-guarded room usually contains a high-value items, such as the chainsaw, the hypno-wheel or the rat skull. The third room with a rat in it is empty. The fourth room you can access contains a restrained woman in labor. Saving her not only nets you an achievement, she’s also an important part of the pilgrim’s ghost subplot. If you’re confident that the way back out is safe enough, grab the woman and carry her outside before doing the same with the gas can. In order to save the woman completely, enter the van while carrying her. She'll hop on the roof of your car and stay there.

FUN FACT: While the cannibals and rats will ignore her, it’s still possible for the woman to die, for example by traps. Her death will result in a little easter egg, a nod to the original Lakeview Cabin game.

After you’ve grabbed everything you need from the attic, return to the lobby and make your way to the basement. As you’ve probably collected a nice pile of weapons by now, try to bring them all to the lobby so you always know how many resources you still have to spare. 2.4 The Mansion - Basement The entrance to the basement has the same layout as the attic – something good usually spawns here to make up for all the hassle to get here. Once you’ve entered the basement, you’ll also be greeted by four doors.

Take note that if an alarm was triggered before you got here, a machete-wielding cannibal will patrol the hallway. This guy has ALOT stamina compared to the rest of the family, even hacking away on him while he is down won’t be enough to finish him off. If you have a flame-based weapon to spare, this is where you want to use it, as he has no way to extinguish himself and will slowly burn to death. If not, I suggest knocking him down somehow (shotgun, preferably), stealing his machete and using it to attack. Without his weapon, you’ll have a way easier time to deal with him.

The first room in this hallway usually holds one of the high-value items, the second room is empty. The second part of the hallway is protected by a trip wire-trap, so once again, you have to be lucky on what kind of trap it is. If it is an alarm bell and the machete-cannibal wasn’t summoned yet, you better get ready for a fight. Chum bucket and shotgun are more favourable options, as those have less severe consequences. It’s up to you wether you want to ring an alarm and make the cannibal trigger the shotgun before fighting him, or if you wish to remain undetected and trigger the shotgun yourself.

The second half of the corridor has two more rooms: in one of them lurks the machete man if the alarm wasn’t triggered yet. If that's the case, feel free to ignore him and move on. The other room is the one you want to go for, as this is where the gas can is located. This is also the room every character who fell into a trap door ends up. Be aware: If you made cannibal fall into a trap door before coming here, they will be in this room, pacing up and down.

In order to access this room, you have to find a golden key first – and it can spawn almost anywhere. Those are the locations I know of:

  1. Inside one of the drawers in the house
  2. Inside the present that randomly spawns somewhere
  3. In the possession of the machete man (unconfirmed)
  4. On the corpse of the screaming lady (credit to SniperSparkle)

The last one seems to be a sure-fire way to get the key. If one of your characters falls into the trap door, simply beat the corpse of the woman with your dismembered leg 20 times. The key will pop out and they are able to free themselves! Be careful though, as moving your character into the hallway doesn't make them safer if an alarm goes off - the machete man patrolling the hallway can still get them. I can’t confirm the third statement for sure, as I found the key on the basement floor once after taking on the machete man. Wether he dropped it or I accidently opened the drawer during the struggle and it fell out, I can’t tell anymore.

Grab the gas can and carry it back to your car. 3. The Slaughterhouse

Now, after grabbing three of the four gas cans, it’s time for the final showdown. Gas up your car and drive it all the way to the slaughterhouse for a fast escape. Place all your characters inside the van and leave the driver’s seat empty. Pick the character who’s health is the highest, grab a pen and some paper and get ready (or no pen and paper, if you want to do it the hardcore way)!

As you’ll quickly realize, this place is a little maze. As long as you keep walking up, you shouldn’t fall into one of the death rooms, but make sure to check every door before you enter it anyway. Needless to say, avoid all the traps this place has to offer. While the game usually only provides you with one door to go while going up, you always have two doors to choose from once you make your way back. And only one door will lead to safety. The other one will drop you in a room containing a deadly trap and no way out, so make sure to carefully write down which door you came from.

Also, the slaughterhouse is quite glitched(?). Please peek through every keyhole before entering a door, as the game sometimes decides to randomly drop you off inside the mansion. If you peek through a keyhole and see one of the rooms of the mansion, simply turn back and chose another path at the last fork you’ve been at.

Eventually, you’ll reach a room with little pigs running around and a gas can in the middle. Take a deep breath and go inside. Once you approach the gas can, don’t hesitate, no matter what you hear or see. Walk up to it, pick it up and leave the room again immediatly. You’ll quickly realize why. Now grab your notes and retrace your steps to find your way out. If you don’t want to take notes, it’s also possible to simply walk up to a door and peek through the keyhole. If you see a dead end, simply pick the other door. However, the „little piggy“ can follow you through doors, unlike the other inhabitants of this place. By checking every door, he might be able to catch up to you. Your call how you want to tackle this problem.

It’s also possible to kill the piggy, but don’t try it while inside the slaughterhouse. You risk either blowing up the gas can and dying in the process… or just getting killed by him, as the rooms are really small and he is really fast. If you wish to fight him, gather all your remaining items outside the barn and face him as he comes out.

It’s also a strategy to lure out the piggy at the beginning of the game, as he apparently starts killing everyone in the mansion if he can’t find you. I wasn’t able to put this strategy to the test yet, but I might include a section about this later after some experimenting.

Once you’ve made your way outside, quickly gas up the van, jump on the driver’s seat and drive off to the sunset.

Congratulations! You’ve beaten Lakeview Cabin 4! (hopefully with your entire group alive)! 4. The Pilgrim Ghost Subplot This game of the series also includes a small, well-hidden subplot that may hint at the upcoming episode.

Step 1 To start this little sidequest, you have to find the pilgrim’s ghost first. He can spawn in pretty much any room, replacing the usual inhabitant, and closely resembles the second killer of Lakeview Cabin 3. The sounds inside the room will change as well, to agonized screams. The ghost will behave exactely as the usual inhabitant of the room, but you don’t need to engage him in combat, you only need to run into him. Your character will get knocked over and the ghost disappears. In order to complete this quest, the character who touched the ghost needs to stay alive, so better place them outside for now.

Step 2 Next step is to rescue the pregnant lady from the attic. As you leave the mansion with her, a skeleton key will drop to the floor (it might not be very visible, but you can hear the sound of something dropping). Leave the key in the possession of the character who encountered the ghost.

Step 3 The final step is to find the hidden room with the portait of the pilgrim in it. Check the section „Rooms“ above to see where the secret rooms can be located and how to access them. There are three secret rooms you can get: either the mystery box room (containing a giant box and a lever – pulling it will have a random effect like a whole bunch of shotgun shells or the alarm going off), a normal, empty room or the pilgrim’s room (a room with a portrait of the pilgrim in it). Have the character who encountered the ghost enter the pilgrim’s room while carrying the skeleton key. The portrait will open up and lead you to another room, containing a map of the lake, the remains of the pilgrim and a chest. Use the key to open the chest and pick up the letter that falls out. An audio cue will inform you that the note was added to your inventory. You can read it by pausing the game – hinting at a deeper and darker history of the lake. Completing this subplot will reward you with the achievement "Last will".

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