MK, Bandana Dee and King Dedede
6 years ago

Right now your 2 sub categories are for Helpers and Dream Friends. This i because the game clearly makes a distinction between them, and you have to unlock the dream friends

The problem is, MK, Dedede and Bandana are incomparable to the dlc characters. The DLC characters all have unique level layouts and are way faster than the other 3 (by over 10 minutes).

The problem with having non-dlc characters, is that MK would end up dominating the non-dlc boards, rendering the Riding MK strategies useless.

We've voted on this before and almost no one wanted dlc to be seperated. But that was before the boards where made.

What do you all think? So far no one has submitted any Meta Knight runs so no runs will be moved.

B31JS gefällt das.
United States

Well if MK was allowed in the helpers section he still might be slower if he has a longer level layout, so I think what is fair might be dependent on the size of his level layout. Maybe if you tried doing a run with MK and compared the time to your own in the dream friends and helper category it would be easier to make a decision (I’m only saying you because you could probably get the most consistent time, I would but I can’t get a decent time period)


I have already done a recorded single segment run. My time is 45:12, which is about a minute better than Rocky, and 12 minutes worse than Marx

Bandana and King Dedede are about 50 minutes

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
United States

Huh, interesting. So I don’t think it would be fair to include the original dream friends with helpers because MK is too fast, it wasn’t an option before, and he is a dream friend. I think that it would be fair to give each wave it’s own category, so there would be the original 3 and the new wave, but it might pose an issue multiple updates from now when there are so many different categories that competition drops. However, it would also not be fair to set in stone that all dream friends get their own category if a future dream friend is faster. So I think that for now it would be best to wait until the next wave releases, then see if the new three are fair. If none are faster than Marx, then we can just leave it, but if one or more is, then it might be best to divide by waves.


"It wasn't an option before" the leaderboards have existed for a month, I don't think anyone would care in half a year that they couldn't use MK 6 months ago

United States

That’s true, but it’s your decision, if you think that adding MK to the helpers leaderboard then that’s fair. Actually, if the original 3 are added to the helpers section, then you could just change it from “Helpers” to “Original Characters”, and “Dream Friends” to “DLC”.

United States

Yeah I think that either way would work well, so whatever you think would be best.


I have a theory that could make Birdon pretty fast, if he ends up faster than MK I'm def seperating it into non-dlc and dlc

B31JS gefällt das.
United States

Alright, good luck

United States

I think it should be split up into free update characters and original characters (including dedede, meta knight, dee)

United States

Yeah, as long as Dem’s birdon idea works, that’s what is gonna happen.

United States

I dont get why meta knight being the best is a problem though if he is because then if birdon is the best then what is the point of meta knight. I think there might always be a truly optimal character so I don't see why meta knight is a problem

United States

Like Demolition14 said, “the leaderboards have existed for a month, I don’t think anyone would care in half a year that they couldn’t use MK 6 months ago”, so you are right, but it just makes it more fair if a faster character isn’t getting thrown into a category just because. It still very well may happen even if the Birdon thing doesn’t work, but it just means that it might require a little more consideration.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
United States

ah ok, I understand

B31JS gefällt das.

I'm getting closer to allowing Meta Knight. He's super fast, yes. But so are Rocky and Birdon. More importantly though, He's really fast and really fun to play as, I feel there would be far more competition and interest if we where to allow him, as I'm sure it would be more interesting to compete with MK than Rocky

shirokirby und Primal-Spire gefällt das.
United States

Alright, sounds good

United States

Any update on the Birdon strategy?

United States

That stinks

United States

And so it is officially decided

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