1 Player in 0m 03s 826ms by
time counted by when leap of faith is received (probably not accurate), someone retime
leap of faith is given at 7s:02frames and run ends at 10s:52 frames (recorded at 60fps, used frame to ms calculator to get final time)
Retimed it a second time because nato was complaining, its now a 3s 826ms. -Tem
Added N/A runs to unplayable runs
i have finally added N/A on levels that are unable to be played (Like contamination on kit%). this fills up the leaderboard and clears up any non excisting confusion on if it is runnable or note.
happy running
Kürzliche Durchläufe
Level: tubeless%
Level: Leapless%
Level: glassbridge%
Level: minesweeper
Level: smilest%
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