PS4/Switch version
2 years ago
Dalarna, Sweden


Can you do the any% route on PS4/Switch? All the clips and tricks and stuff or can you only do it on PC?

Thanks in advance!

Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Hey Meliora, I haven't tried them on console but these tricks aren't tied to anything that would lead me to believe its PC Exclusive. I believe you should be good to do these tricks on console. The only thing you might not be able to do is cutscene skips because it requires you to open the console in menu on a German Keyboard. I will let Zanaroo123 know there was a forum post and see if he has any more insight on this.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 2 years ago
Meliora gefällt das.
Dalarna, Sweden

Thank you very much! CS skips I can live without. Mainly looking for a shorter game to run and this game looks like a fun one!

zanaroo123 gefällt das.
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

It is my favorite speedrun. Just make sure you turn on the safe mode for recording or streaming. There is a lot of NSFW content that gets blurred out. You will enjoy the game, the mechanics are perfect, and welcome to the community.

Zackury gefällt das.
Dalarna, Sweden

Thank you! That I will do!!

Zackury gefällt das.

Hey Meliora you can do all the tricks, skips on PS4/Switch feel free to join to the discord. Welcome to the community. yey our first PS4/switch runner lets goooo


I'm sure we can work out how much time each cutscene adds and then remove cutscene times based on levels/areas played on console :) Highly recommend checking out 18 ing no ef or any% no ef :)

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