Is Act_ the only one doing moderator work?
9 months ago

It seems to me that Act_ is the only one who basically accepts speedrune here. There are 4 moderators here and only Act_ does more work than the other moderators. Other moderators rarely work, or at least rarely moderate this game. It's not fair that Act_ basically has to do everything himself.I think a new moderator is needed here.

At least that's what I think. It doesn't mean what you think. I was just stating my opinion.

European Union

If Act_ thinks that he can handle the job of moderator, then there is no problem here.It's just a rule that he has to accept the runs for at least 3 weeks, so he has 3 weeks to spare. (I read about moderator rules)

Iowa, USA

OttawaTodd and Bogdan are inactive and I manually can’t remove them because they are super mods. I would need to ask staff. pinkey is somewhat active on the site but doesn’t verify runs it seems.

I asked staff about a week ago to promote me to a super mod because I was the only person doing stuff. So far, I’ve managed this board by myself for a long time now and I currently don’t need that much help. I will make a post if I do need help with the board.


Super moderator

  • Designated by a "red sword" icon on game pages.

Did I get it wrong when I read rules because you have a red sword that means you are a super moderator or am I just color blind...

Bearbeitet von der Autor 9 months ago
Iowa, USA

Yea red sword is super moderator. I was a regular mod until a few days ago

Baconboygamer gefällt das.
  • They are rarely online.
  • Realttawatodd has not been online for several months and the other moderator is very rarely online
  • 5 kuu eest Translation: 5 months ago
  • 29 päeva eest Translation: 29 days ago
European Union

Even if they rarely work, Act_ cannot remove them

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