Hey all, we've created another split in the leaderboards. Runs performed on v0.110656 and onwards are currently denoted by the subcategory "Warsong Update".
Please do not submit new runs to the "Olympic Update" subcategory. You may still submit old runs that were performed on the previous release.
The default variable for submissions will now be "Warsong Update".
As a reminder, new runs must be played on the most recent live version of Hades II available at the time, as per the Game Rules. This may be reevaluated at a later date.
Rules Update
With this patch comes the addition of the cauldron incantation Acceptance of Another Fate. This allows Melinoe to salute the Oath of the Unseen to reroll the starting seed of the run. It becomes available after defeating the 4th Guardian of the Underworld & Surface routes 7 times each, among some other requirements.
After reviewing and testing its mechanics, we are confident that this suits the requirements for an unseeded speedrun. Starting in this patch, you no longer are required to show a death before your run, as long as you use this new feature instead. Your run video must contain the visual of saluting and the doors up/down getting the "reroll" icon, visible here: ().
Salute can be rebound in the controls menu if you do not currently have it bound. If you do not show this sequence, and do not show a death, your run will be considered seeded.
Updated rule text for unseeded runs:
Unseeded Rules
Show, in your video, prior to the run's start: the previous run's death; a run completion with a "death" after victory; or, if the Acceptance of Another Fate incantation is unlocked, Melinoë saluting the Oath of the Unseen at the start of the video. For an example of the salute method, view here:
Previous rule text for unseeded runs:
Unseeded Rules
Show the previous run's death (or a run completion with the death) at the start of the video.
Regarding Boon Boon Boon
Echo's reward Boon Boon Boon offers the player a choice of 3 boons they had during the previous Night. With the current way the seed reroll works, it will not reset Boon Boon Boon offerings. This means that a previous run can be "setup" to guarantee certain offerings from Boon Boon Boon. After some discussion within the verification team, it was decided to allow salute seed rerolling despite this.
It is not set in stone, and action may be taken on this in the future if the community decides it is unhealthy for competition to allow this. Because the game is still in early access and likely has multiple board wipes in its future, we are allowing this to mature on its own for the time being. If you would like to discuss potential abuses or future mitigating rules, please do so in the designated discussion thread in the discord.
Regarding the Argent Skull Buff & Nerf
In the past few days, Supergiant pushed a couple of patches that buffed the Argent Skull so significantly that they reverted the changes very quickly in a new patch. The verification team has decided not to make a mid-patch split to ensure that runs on this version are stored separately. Patch version will still be recorded, so if the community decides overwhelmingly that for the posterity of this Major Update's leaderboard these runs should not be included, we can always address it later. If you would like to discuss this decision (we serve the community so any ruling decision can be reversed!), please do so in the designated discussion thread in the discord.
A new leaderboard category: All Weapons, has been added! You can see the rules on its board and get submitting your runs as soon as possible.
All Weapons is a real time category where you try to complete 6 runs in a row with each different weapon as fast as you can, allowing you to demonstrate your mastery over consistent clearing across different weapons.
Both categories are available to run on the Surface or the Underworld. If you have any questions, the forums here or the Discord are the places to go. Additionally, if you'd like a new category added, visit the Discord to chime in on category suggestions, we have a formal process in place for adding new boards.
Good luck on your runs, Death to Chronos.
We now have IL (Individual Level) speedruns! Welcome to The Chaos Trials!
With the Abyssal Reflection incantation (unlocked by completing 5 separate Chaos Trials), you may now re-challenge Chaos Trials, and it even tracks your fastest time!
Standard Game Rules apply (with an special exception to Rule 3), but please ensure you check out the Category rules found here.
Enjoy these bite-sized runs with pre-built loadouts!
Good luck with your runs, runners!
Hey all, we've created another split in the leaderboards. Runs performed on v0.102084 and onwards are currently denoted by the subcategory "Olympic Update".
Please do not submit new runs to the "Patch 4" subcategory. You may still submit old runs that were performed on the previous v0.95285 release.
The default variable for submissions will now be "Olympic Update".
We've added Xinth, the Black Coat's aspects as variables when submitting.
With official Mac support included, this is also a new variable available when submitting.
Lastly, we are taking into consideration allowing the submission of The Chaos Trials as Individual Levels (or ILs) speedruns on Speedrun.com. We're in the process of finalising details, but please look forward to that!
As a reminder, new runs must be played on the most recent live version of Hades II available at the time, as per the Game Rules. This may be reevaluated at a later date.
Good luck with your runs, runners!
New leaderboard categories: 50 Fear and 3 Weapons, have been added! You can see their rules on their respective boards and get submitting your runs as soon as possible.
- 50 Fear is a challenging speed run with all the same rules as Any Fear with one additional stipulation: have at least 50 Fear points active on the Oath of the Unseen! It's primarily based on In Game Time like all of the other single run categories.
- 3 Weapons is a real time category where you try to complete 3 runs in a row with 3 different weapons as fast as you can, allowing you to demonstrate your mastery over consistent clearing across different weapons.
Both categories are available to run on the Surface or the Underworld. If you have any questions, the forums here or the Discord are the places to go. Additionally, if you'd like a new category added, visit the Discord to chime in on category suggestions, we have a formal process in place for adding new boards.
Good luck on your runs, Death to Chronos.
Hey all, we've created another split in the leaderboards. Runs performed on v.0.94522 and onwards are currently denoted by the subcategory "Patch 4".
Please do not submit new runs to the "Patch 3" subcategory. You may still submit old runs that were performed on the previous v0.93884 release.
The default variable for submissions will now be "Patch 4".
As a reminder, new runs must be played on the most recent live version of Hades II available at the time, as per the Game Rules. This may be reevaluated at a later date.
Good luck with your runs, runners!
Hey all, we've created another split in the leaderboards. Runs performed on v.0.93644 and onwards are currently denoted by the subcategory "Patch 3", as seen below.
Please do not submit new runs to the "Patch 2" subcategory. You may still submit old runs that were performed on the previous v0.92350 release.
The default variable for submissions will now be "Patch 3".
As a reminder, new runs must be played on the most recent live version of Hades II available at the time, as per the Game Rules. This may be reevaluated at a later date.
Additionally, some of you may have noted with the new patch that with the adjusted Grasp costs, you may be overloaded on your total Grasp limit, as seen below.
Please ensure you have a maximum of 30 Grasp allocated for runs to be considered valid. We recommend you completely refresh the Arcana Cards on your Altar of Ashes to prevent any oddities. Thank you!
Good luck with your runs, runners!
With the first major balance patch (Patch 2) released, we've created a split in the leaderboards. Previous runs performed on v0.91027 or older are now denoted by the subcategory "Patch 1", as seen below. Please do not submit new runs to the "Patch 1" subcategory. You may still submit old runs that were performed before yesterday's v0.92170 ease.
The default variable for submissions will now be "Patch 2" until a patch is considered major enough to cause another wipe. We will inform and/or poll everyone as swiftly as we can whenever a decision to create another split is needed.
As a reminder, new runs must be played on the most recent live version of Hades II available at the time, as per the Game Rules. This may be reevaluated at a later date.
Good luck with your runs, runners!
Hey all, we've created another split in the leaderboards. Runs performed on v0.110656 and onwards are currently denoted by the subcategory "Warsong Update".
Please do not submit new runs to the "Olympic Update" subcategory. You may still submit old runs that were performed on th