GTA:SA Glitch Hunt Thread
10 years ago
Hampshire, England

Similar to what's happening now in Vice City, if a way was found to dupe missions in SA, almost all of the game could be skipped. This is because the mission counter in SA works differently than 3 and VC. When a mission is completed a counter is added to, increasing it's value by one. When the counter is a certain number the next mission in that chain of missions is set to a certain one. Therefore, if it was possible to dupe Tagging Up Turf (Sweet's first mission in Los Santos) 9 times, the next mission in the chain would be The Green Sabre, the last mission of Los Santos (Note that Los Santos Sweet and Return to Los Santos Sweet are different counters)

I apparently did this glitch in SA once however I've watched the video through a few times (I downloaded it too) and I can't figure out what caused it. It seems that Grove 4 Life crashes upon completion of a goal (one territory) and so does Tagging Up Turf (Lighnat0r tried it with hacks). This is probably because mission specific memory is stored globally and not per script as in 3/VC. It may be the case that finding certain missions that don't crash upon completion is the key to the glitch, once a way to dupe missions is found.

Anyway, before anything like that needs to be worried about, a consistent way to start missions twice needs to be found. Maybe gang territories could be duped too, however I'm not sure if that would even help with the "total territories held" counter. Obviously rampages are out of the question, seeing that SA doesn't have them.

Bastant2 und Lighnat0r gefällt das.

Are the gang territories also on a counter? I assume that's the case.

Bavaria, Germany

The way to dupe missions is by making the game think you are not on a mission while you actually are. The game has an $ON_MISSION variable (true/false) which is set to true at the start of missions, phone calls, entering save markers etc, and to false at the end. Starting two "missions" (this could be a mission and a phone call as well) at the same time, then ending one, will set the $ON_MISSION variable to false, allowing you to start another mission (or repeat the process to dupe more than once).

Most promising things to try are probably missions such as Vigilante which can be started at any location, phone calls (which count as missions, save markers etc.

Things I've tried so far/discoveries: Save markers cannot be triggered during saved (F3) replays. Starting a mission seems to reset the starting point of the recent (F1) replay. Entering/exiting an interior resets the starting point of the F1 replay. As with VC, save markers reset the F1 replay.

[Quote=Joshimuz]This is probably because mission specific memory is stored globally and not per script as in 3/VC. [/Quote] While this is not really correct (also, many missions crash in VC/3 when duping), it doesn't matter for what we are trying to do anyway so w/e.

[quote=ceilingfridge]Are the gang territories also on a counter? I assume that's the case.[/quote] The gang territories are hardcoded into the game, it check the territories_controlled_percentage so it doesn't work exactly the same way as the other counters. That doesn't necessarily mean it can't be influence the same way though.

Arturrr und Bastant2 gefällt das.

This was being discussed on IRC so I made a short video showing the basics

Playing a replay where the vehicle explodes (inside the replay, similar to a replay glitch in GTA III seen here: ), it creates fires in the "real" world.

Bavaria, Germany

Using a replay while climbing over something has the oh so useful effect of cancelling the climbing animation so you fall off on the side you came from.


Powdinet: The fire/explosion doesn't seem to be doing any damage in the real world. I tried it with Running Dog a while ago, nothing came out of it.


I just tried it on Running Dog and I couldn't create a fire during the mission. However, the same replay would create a fire after the mission had passed. Weird.

Tokyo, Japan This pastebin contains the conclusion of my testing of mission duping in SA. The glitch is still yet to be found, though, I wrote down some of my ideas in the pastebin.

Hampshire, England

Here is the video I said I would upload

Skip to about 18 minutes in to see when I duplicated


If you press F1 when the phone rings and hold tab continuously afterwards you can delay the phonecall as long as you want. You can even enter a house and as long as you hold tab the savemarker inside will be gone (You can't answer the phone inside though). I use it here to answer the phone while having wanted stars (video quality is kinda bad).

EDIT: I have tried delaying vigilante in the same way and it does work but you must sit in the car/on the bike, as soon as you exit the vehicle the mission will start/quit depending on if you were on the mission or not when you started the delay.I tried delaying a house purchase but it didn't work. I have not tried delaying anything else


The replay/hold-tab doesn't work for anything but calls, I presume? Edit that into the text please.^^ Properties,sub-missions, etc.

If it does, you can buy a property and start a mission simultaneously. interesting. Or you could go into a property marker, hold tab, get on a cop bike, get off, start the submission with the look back button during the get-off-animation and buy the property by letting go off tab afterwards.


I think the mission dupe can happen with any girlfriend in the game, this would explain how S got a duplicate outside of LS ( I'm assuming the LV girlfriend wasn't killed yet for some reason when the dupe happened ).

Friesland, Netherlands

I duped one of the first 5 quarry missions, which I do well before even meeting the LV girlfriend and in the route I was using then also before meeting the SF girlfriend.

just a theory but if you found a way to jump and dive underwater at the same time would you have unlimited breath

just a theory but if you found a way to jump and dive underwater at the same time would you have unlimited breath

Hi all, finally got around to signing up here. This is just a follow-up to some of my posts over at the sda forums.

  • I have figured out how to swim during the doberman cutscene, but setting it up probably cost as much as the time you actually spend swimming. The key to breaking out of the cutscene is a camera and the hospital information marker, and the glen park territory ends right next to the hospital. Do the last wave behind the hospital, and after killing the last guy you have a couple of seconds to slide with the camera and head towards the marker. This will prevent the cutscene from triggering until after you hit the marker. This will break you free from the cutscene about halfway in, and you can run towards the water. The cutscene will continue playing after the next scene change, but you are still allowed to move/swim around but with a fixed camera angle. You can't see CJ in the pond (view distance?) but you can see the water splashing around him.

I have been meaning to experiment more with this glitch and try some other approaches (if it's possible to kill the last guy before the cutscene ends, get in a car and drive away, etc.), but haven't had the time. I'll post it here instead so other people can try if it has any uses or if it's useless (as usual).

  • I have also looked into duping missions with the girlfriend progress bar, which is what I suspect happened in Josh's mission dupe, although there could be other factors involved as well. He also did two waves of territories and canceled it with vigilante right before triggereing the mission.

But I suspect that this glitch can only be done with the random progress bar that occurs when you haven't talked to your gf for n amount of days. This progress bar have in the past broken me free while gambling in a casino (blackjack/roulette), and allowed me to move around during the activity with a fixed camera angle.

The progress bar that happens right after you abuse a gf while on a date probably can't be used. You are prevented from starting side missions until it shows, and triggering a normal mission will instantly cancel the date afaik.

  • I also learned how I once managed to jack the car of the DA in 555 without failing. It was actually the "ghost" from the cutscene that I jacked, and not the actual "missiion" DA.

I found out how exactly parachute is given when player leaves the plane or heli (which is used in NOE). Here is is short video (sorry for horrible quality): Parachute is given after player leaves the plane or heli only if the timer shown on video is not equal to 0. The timer is set to 5000 when player is in plane/heli and the camera position (not the vehicle itself!) is at least 50 meters above ground level and it is currently at 0. Otherwise during each frame its value is decreased by a length of a frame.

This (if I understand correctly) means that getting parachute on the hill in NOE is inconsistent because it depends on value of timer when camera starts being lower than 50 meters above ground. On the other hand, using rock (as in video) can be a guaranteed way to get a parachute. Pay attention to the fact that it is possible to put a camera in such a position that it is acutally not above rock, but above ground, that sets the timer to 5000 if it reaches 0.

Joshimuz gefällt das.
Hampshire, England

Here's how I understand it

S. und Mhmd_FVC gefällt das.
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