Wreckyard ladder warp
3 years ago
Georgia, USA

I'm not familiar with GTA glitches, so I honestly have no idea if this is a known glitch from other version of this game, but I found it tonight while messing around.

mossfis gefällt das.
East Riding of Yorkshire, England

It's actually an "intended" mechanic, when Claude has been falling for a certain amount of time, the game places him in certain safe locations around the map to stop players being stuck out of bounds.

SpeedyFolf gefällt das.
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Definitive Editions

Regarding Definitive Edition Leaderboards:

There will be an embargo for speedruns of the definitive edition of 2 weeks. What this means is that the mods of the respective games will not accept any run that is completed before Nov 25th. This is both to allow everyone to actually play the game, and

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