V1.0 glitchless
5 months ago

New category for 1.0 - glitchless. in any% there you need to try to get to the safe, whoever takes the item faster went faster, but you can make a category where only the skill decides without a piece of luck with safe

Bearbeitet von der Autor 5 months ago
Zanum, Blazer_AG und 2 Andere gefällt das.


Zanum gefällt das.
Somerset, England

I'm kinda opposed to this idea? As everyone will start to say they want Glitchless on every single category. Which will just double the record count by a lot.

It also depends if a glitchless category on this version will be ran a lot or not.

Zanum gefällt das.

I think that beginners will look through the versions, and will be surprised by the difficulty of passing, 1.0 is difficult and it is difficult to keep up there, even I, how much I play and train, can not pass in less time, and if you even say that there will be more races at times, and everyone will ask for glitchless in each category of course, I'm not hinting at anything, but if you make me a moderator, indefinitely, I would handle a lot of races, I don't know, it gives me pleasure, and the retymer I use is correct (somewes)

Blazer_AG, YUMmy_Bacon5, und Zanum gefällt das.
Somerset, England

I would ask @MyTH193_ if you wanna request to become a moderator.

it is difficult to keep up there

Yeah it's difficult to have WR since the iOS 1.0 version has an advantage. That is the Master Key initially has gravity turned off, and Android it's turned on. And its default position of they key is close to the top of the sink. So iOS can grab it from the top instead of having to go close to get it from inside the sink.

You also can't easily download IPAs on iOS, and that @BadGuyGaming is a good player. This all makes it hard to get a top time.

Although, the actual run itself isn't difficult.

But if you want the subcategory just so newer players can get a top time easier, then the above is just going to happen again on a glitchless category.

There's also the less popular Miscellaneous categories that can be played aswell.

Also glitchless runs can still be submitted to the v1.0 category anyway, as using a glitch is optional.

Zanum gefällt das.

I don't think that my application for moderator will be approved, and I need someone to confirm it, and I would be happy to check the races, I don't really like doing the races myself. to check I don't think my application for moderator will be approved, and I need someone to confirm it, and I would be happy to check the races, since I don't really like doing them myself, but it gives me pleasure to check

Bearbeitet von der Autor 5 months ago
Zanum, Blazer_AG, und YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.

My stupid translator, I'd rather write it myself

Zanum und Blazer_AG gefällt das.
Somerset, England

Ok sure but that's not really about having a glitchless category

Blazer_AG gefällt das.

if you want to play version 1.0 on a different route and without bugs, then play LGC remake, like me, only this is on PC )

Zanum und Blazer_AG gefällt das.

I don't have granny on steam

Zanum gefällt das.
Somerset, England

Nah I think it's a mod that's probably has the game pirated.

Zanum gefällt das.

Bacon no, steam granny required

Zanum und YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
Somerset, England

Oh rip.

Although this isn't really addressing the glitchless subcategory question lmao

Zanum gefällt das.

if I am appointed moderator, everything will be solved :)

Zanum gefällt das.
Somerset, England

If you are added as a moderator. Also moderators shouldn't create random categories without consensus of the other mods, or of the community.

The users moderating a game should represent the consensus of the players of the game. If it is evident that moderators are not representing consensus among runners, site staff may change moderation.

It says this from the moderation rules.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 5 months ago
Zanum gefällt das.

Why would I do something unnecessary? I just want to moderate and that's it, nothing more, they will add a new category, I will moderate it

Zanum gefällt das.

ok fine ill verify runs yall chillax

Zanum und tTvi gefällt das.
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From now on, if so

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