Compared Result: Additional difference between Pre and Latest version
2 years ago

This is sequel to my last thread:

Additional differences between two version were revealed. (They are more internal and bigger matter I think.) The purpose of this thread is learning big gaps between them same as before, and separating category into two versions.

Same as the last time I made comparison videos. The segment of these videos are: selecting Chapter 5 and running until touching the poll of factory like building. (Please not be so strictly to compare the move, I mistook some route and action haha.)

  1. Slide and jump: On this video I performed just sliding and jump on the ground.

Up left: Pre version. Just slide and jump till the poll of factory.

Down left: Latest version. Intend to act just slide and jump same as Pre version. But Pink was killed.

Down right: Latest version. Slide and jump but also using swing, because without swinging Pink cannot avoid to death.

Conclusion: Without flipping, different of speed between Pre and Latest seem not so big. But friction effect of ground seem increased on Latest version. (Pre avoid to death, but Latest did.)

  1. Slide and roll: On this video I performed sliding, jump and roll.

Up left: Pre version. On this video, we can recognize "horizontal-ground-flip" is allowed to use (it can keep speed).

Middle: Latest version. It is almost same as down left but flip action succeeded on slope.

Down right: Latest version. Horizontal-ground-flip cannot be succeeded.

Conclusion: This is one of the biggest difference. Pre version reached goal faster about 20sec before Latest version. But when it comes to the Latest version, the technique is not successful, allowed. On my sight Pink's flip move is slowed down, but if you completed to flip, you will know there is no speed up effect (both visual effect and internal effect?). In the Latest version only landing on slopes after complete flip effective. Maybe you know there are so many areas where Pink can horizontal-ground-flip to go through in Pre version, if you running two version of this game or watching videos of top runners. For example: Fires of Man, Endangered, Last Chance, Concrete Jungle and all big slopes with long ivy or Yellow's following throw. This is the biggest gap why I'm suggesting to separate leader board again.

  1. Other information (Sorry for no videos)
  • Landing on slopes after complete flip is allowed for both versions however, the Latest version is forced 2rolls flip into 1roll flip, even though you completed the action. In other words, in the Latest version player can only make 1roll speed up on slopes. (Nothing pink afterimage caused except catching or landing on branches.) As set-ups for double flip landing, for example entrance of Fires of Man and Lion's Den give more speed to Pink. Other big slopes are also effective. In short, on the Latest version must reconsider another route, because the route which need speedy state cannot feasible. Recently Japanese Latest version runners found mashing land button technique, the gap is not so big maybe.

According to above explanation, I'd like to suggest again that we have to separate leader board in order to reduce unfairness.

Jeef, HachiwareManul und 3 Andere gefällt das.

I agree with the suggestion of splitting the leaderboard because of version differences. To be honest, just the first cutscene skip glitch alone is enough to split the leaderboards. It's a logical change and you've gone through the work of showing the differences between the two versions. The differences seem to be more than just a cutscene skip here or there. There are seemingly different movement limitations being put on the newer version of the game. The problem with splitting the leaderboard, in my opinion, is the lack of active players. Split leaderboards will split the current player base, which is already relatively small (to my knowledge). I understand there is a sizeable Japanese community/discord that plays the game but I just don't see it often because I'm not Japanese, lol. That RTA event definitely showed me more people played than I thought and made me a bit sad I don't have as much time to play now.

In summary, I would actually be fine with a version-separated leaderboard. I think it should be done sooner than later, as it will need to happen eventually. I would just play the most populated category. Which would hopefully be the latest version. I don't know how I feel about the current first cutscene skip glitch in the previous version. It is interesting and saves time, but I have qualms about it.

FlyingFinn und Dgedarack gefällt das.

Jeef san, you are totally correct and comment like represent to my thought lol.

As you said considering population is something hard maybe, because of active players are biased in Japanese. And in this page, nothing guidance for downgrade for playin on Pre version, it is disadvantage for non-Japanese runners (Japanese Discord have such guidance, so I may have to translate and post it to this community). But separating the leader board into Pre and Latest is important, I'll try to learn how to realize it and build.

I'm also don't want to try OP skip in Pre version, it will take so much time away but take long real time for preparation in each PB attempt run, it is annoying literally haha! For this matter, Japanese community considering to change start timing from "selected Ch.1 and load completed" to "Press C for swing on the first tutorial (actual operational timing)", it helps every version will start same timing and OP skip will make nonsense. This topic also have to be discuss enough of course.

Sorry for such messy explanation, but I hope this community will become more comfortable for every runner. In other words, I'd like to play Daily and another additional content for this game instead of OP skip lol.

Jeef und FlyingFinn gefällt das.
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Category has updated!

Hello every gibbons.

  1. ** "Any% (Latest version)" has added to the leader board! ** Because of Pre1.7 ("Ground Flip" ver) and Latest ver have big gap to compete with some differences, dividing categories will be worth for every player.

  2. ** For making fair base of playing some versions, I w

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