Version Differences
I made a Document for the differences of the versions of Gex 3, since it is quite useful to know and document this for Speedrun purposes:
If you know any other differences that aren't in there, or if you think something is false, please just write a comment in this Thread! I will then Edit the Pastebin as soon as I can! :)
Bearbeitet von der Autor
Reece65536 und ROMaster2 gefällt das.
This is a great idea :D Should we also list the best WW setups for each version in the pastebin as well? :)
Tigame gefällt das.
N64 Rules Update
Hey everyone. There have been a few rules updates/clarifications, mostly regarding N64 categories.
- [N64] Item duplication is now allowed in No Wrong Warp, No TV-Cancel and All Remotes. It remains banned in 100% and No Item Duplication, as it would defeat the purpose of those categories.
- [N6
Kürzliche Durchläufe
Level: Superhero Show
Level: Mythology Network