Will provide mods folder if needed, world files through google form, had a significant game freeze after the blind where I was not able to move or do anything in-game, since my character didn't move position I request that no extra time be added onto this run as this is a hardware issue and was not used as an exploit.
Seed: 3904459097957098418
FindSeed has started...
Seed Found(2022-02-09T09:45:36.877030): 3904459097957098418 Temp Token: {'nonce': 'd4d8a4f77515e4b3', 'randomness': 'ff2223053628d021eaebc1e81863bb42522f5058009aa8126df5f2511330cb50', 'pref': 0, 'struct': 119696003589042, 'randbiome': 13864, 'counter': 2710, 'previous_signature': '8ed0ea2b2b23928aa08494927810fd7acfc9bec15c4beeb4f0c12f51815490f7a30b52c47089d9081295aa572d75914705872972306f5414323aadfa8a4451b80830f84307c0f183f30d599021547ecbf0658986e79b107fb4899b17206cdd2b', 'class': 12, 'filter': '000A000A00000000000A000A00000000000A000A00000000000A000A000000000', 'randraw': 2710, 'iso': '2022-02-09T09:45:36.877030', 'signature': 'b4d44734d4aa44032b28c36e34bcef83b27c4c459ccd88cc0c920e0d14bf7f371e0cbdb5f8c0468c6b6b4846147f6bf4173119db0b1d9826c818c617a3369c696d22467426c19f69db92dba292089e55f4ce07b79f25cf462af18dd103357870', 'round': 1632297}
- You need to submit both the world seed and filter token with your run. You can get the seed by running the /seed command and the token by running the /fsgtoken command at the end of the run.
- Background generation as a feature h