(cross-posting Github issue here - https://github.com/speedruncomorg/api/issues/108 )
I am running a WR bot for certain platforms and until yesterday, I could query newest runs of a platform like this: https://www.speedrun.com/api/v1/runs?status=verified&platform=n5683oev&orderby=verify-date&direction=desc
This gives the following error:
{'status': 400, 'message': 'Please query by at least one of: examiner, game, guest, level, user.', 'links': [{'rel': 'support', 'uri': 'irc://speedrunslive.com#speedrun.com'}, {'rel': 'report-issues', 'uri': 'https://github.com/speedruncom/api/issues'}]}
Do I understand it correctly that the API was changed to require one of the fields mentioned and that it's no longer possible to fetch recent runs by platform? Also, is this permanent or also just temporary due to the increased holiday traffic?
Also the examples on the /runs documentation give the same error ("GET /api/v1/runs?status=verified&orderby=verify-date&direction=desc gets all newly verified runs").
I can confirm my app which requires a running tail of incoming speedruns for the site is now also unable to query latest runs. Its also unable to query with no filters at all. Basic queries, like:
no longer works
Ditto, also cross posting my comment from github. I also have an app that requires running tail of incoming speedruns and unable to query now.