How to properly setup IGT and RTA for My Game?
2 days ago
United States

Hello, Everyone

I'm a moderator for "Stickman Vs Zombies" and I'm trying to properly setup both In-game Attack and Real-time attack tracking for runs. Right now, when I go to variables section, I see some options for subcategories and annotation, but I'm not sure how to configure it correctly

Few questions I have:

• How do I setup IGT and RTA as both timing methods without creating unnecessary subcategories?

• What's the best way to display both IGT and RTA in leaderboard?


you can enable the igt column in the "rules" tab of the settings page. you can also disable the rta in the same page if you only want igt.

Somerset, England

Yeah it's a setting you need to turn on in rules. I has nothing to do with variables.

@SioN, what are you talking about? RTA can't be turned off, it even says that on the setting. If you don't want RTA to display along with IGT on some categories, then keep the RTA or IGT field blank for all the runs in that category and the column on the leaderboard will be hidden.

If you're only using a single timing method, then you might aswell just stick with using RTA (by keeping IGT turned off) and mentioning that RTA is actually IGT in the rules.

HyproncubeSMP gefällt das.

@YUMmy_Bacon5 oh i just saw the toggle button for it and assumed you could disable it.

why in the hell is it there if its sole function is to turn itself back on :D?