Depends. Is it a very competitive game and you have a very competitive time? Yes. Otherwise ehhhh depends on the mod.
I personally think it should always be required. It's a very simple thing to do and for most programs you would actually have to go out of your way to disable recording sound than to record it, and the fact that the sound exists goes in adding a layer of credibility for your run so that it isn't just immediately thought to have been spliced.
I feel like there's no reason that you shouldn't include audio. What else could you be doing that 1. Isn't distracting you from speeding, and 2. Can't itself be muted instead.
@Twan_Jones depends on how he is recording. If he's just highlighting a Twitch VOD and not recording game audio locally. Maybe he wants to listen to music and has to choose between game audio or music. @howlingsnail 1.) I listen to other music all the time when speedrunning. Different strokes.
My opinion is yes, and if you want to listen to music then headphones/earbuds are fine. I’m in a situation where I dont have a capture card and need to tell everyone in the house to be quiet, so I understand where you’re coming from.
Many of my first runs didn't have sound at all because OBS doesn't pick up default audio on Mac. There are times where mandating audio makes sense and times where audio doesn't really matter, but there's isn't enough information about your situation and reasoning in your initial question- and as of this post, you don't currently have any runs submitted for reference- to give you an answer.
I need for my fellow runners to help me out and come back to this one - I completed my best run yet but Twitch Studio had the wrong audio device selected. In return, the game was muted but I was still talking through my mic.
In the end, my run wasn't accepted. Funny thing, it hasn't been accepted on Speedrun but the mod told me on TWITCH LIVE during one of my streams that it wasn't due to this? Now, the second place time also is muted but because Twitch did so? ALSO, his mic clearly works as he speaks out during the vid. This second place record is also a mod...
So, how is this right and what do I do about it? Happy to post my links here...
You should probably talk to the mod about this.
@GkMA_Tube_YT I posted here I don't think the mod is really capable in the long run
Someone loses their mind about the necropost in 3....2...1...
Yeah.... this is something you really need to talk to the specific mods about, if that fails raise a complaint with the site mods. Nothing we can advise you about here I am afraid.
Out of curiousity, did you ever ask the reason why it was rejected then?