What are easy games to start speedrunning?
3 years ago
Brandenburg, Germany
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago


I am really interested in speedrunning, but I feel like a lot of games are either RNG-Heavy or mechanically really damanding.

I have a lot of experience in watching random SGDQ / AGDQ Streams and watching Portal 2 Speedruns.

I hope this criteria is even possible to meet, but I'd love to ask if there are any games that are:

  • Mechanically somehow demanding (like Portal)
  • NOT frame perfect xd
  • NOT RNG heavy
  • and fun

Thanks for any help <3

Dominican Republic

glitchless in any sonic game, i mean, the mechanics are fairly simple but you must use them in complex ways to go fast

French Southern Territories

I'd recommend checking out the advertisement thread

This is a thread where people posted games that they enjoyed running, so it's a pretty good place to look. You can also go to this link to view popular PC games for speedrunning, and this link for popular web games.

ckellyspeedruns, Pear, und Walgrey gefällt das.
United States

If you want more specific recommendations, let us know what platoform(s) you would want to speedrun on.

MinecraftGaming gefällt das.
Ontario, Canada

In My Opinion you should run games you enjoy playing and won't get bored of. You should have fun when Speedrunning don't pressure yourself into a game you hate.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 3 years ago
MrMonsh gefällt das.