Request Categories Here
7 years ago
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Request categories that you think might be fun. Don't be shy. ;)

California, USA

All Characters% (Start after you click "Done" and finish after you collect the 8th "Halloween Backstage" character.)

Nevada, USA
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

You could try with only the first characters in the game

i think you should add subcategories for every ending to any% so its not just the same route over and over

Bearbeitet von der Autor 4 years ago
Maryland, USA

We removed both Tier 1 characters% and No Run% recently, wanted to clear the boards and have categories that were fun and actually reasonable, hence why they aren't present.

Chicago, IL, USA

A No-Update 2 100% category? I find all endings runs very fun but I can't bring myself to enjoy the update 2 content.

United States
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

We have Fixed Party 100% lol

Arizona, USA


North Korea

Die% - Try to die asap.


All bosses% you need to kill any type of bosses (need to kill only 1 mad endo and eyesore, but bosses like bouncer and snowcone aren't one type)


Chip% (obtain all chips asap)

Kentucky, USA

Run Using Only The 8 Starter Characters

Texas, USA

Max% (all characters, all bytes, all chips, all bosses, all upgrades, all minions)

Pennsylvania, USA
Gelöscht von der Autor
United Kingdom

onecharacter% where you have to mod the game so that you can only use one character of your choosing

British Columbia, Canada

Runless: Beat The Game Without Running From Anyone

United States
He/Him, She/Her, It/Its
1 year ago

All final bosses category? Security, animdude, chipper's revenge, and chica's magic rainbow. Alternatively, all boss types once which would just mean including the key bosses and auto chipper.

Buffalo, NY, USA

What about a category for the randomizer mod?

Gelöscht von der Autor