Emulation help
4 years ago
Cheshire, England

Im looking into speedrunning this game and wondering if anyone has help for me to do the flash emulation, anything would be helpful, thank you

West Yorkshire, England

^^ was about to ask the same thing

West Yorkshire, England

@LunaMitten you can download the swf file to play the game on your computer here


Lubelskie, Poland

Yeah, but what emulator?

Edit: I tried Ruffle, but it didn't work, it doesn't support ActionScript 3

Bearbeitet von der Autor 4 years ago

I found it on play store and I'm using that.

New South Wales, Australia

@LunaMitten , @chriswft , @wuchta , @RobotMania

I have recently posted a resource to a stable Flash emulator. It is currently in my opinion the best one, and has been in operation since 2017 with multiple stability and bug changes, and 70000-90000 archived flash games :D I apologize to confusion about running the game, I am making changes to the Flight site so it's more understandable by the community. (:

Bearbeitet von der Autor 4 years ago
West Yorkshire, England

You can literally download the SWF I linked to above and run the SWF directly on your computer, flash player is natively installed onto pretty much every computer in the world and will just run without any emulation.

New South Wales, Australia

@chriswft , for Flight, yes, this would be a simple and effective way to speedrun Flight, but I've found Flashpoint very stable, and will be speedrunning more flash games in the future, this is all around better in my opinion. It installs everything you need to without any troubles with installation and errors. On top of that, their discord is support/development friendly, so help would be easy, and if really having a bad problem, 400-600+ developers that contributed to Flashpoint can assist you.

[Edit] According to windowslatest.com , Flash isn't natively on any operating system anymore, only for users that have had flash before the EOL would be able to, meaning Flashpoint goes through their process of getting the Flash player to work.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 4 years ago
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