Hey everyone!
after a comment on my rundown/tutorial video I found out that I was doing my solo naked speedruns, while a 50% EXP- and Drop-Event was active which made the runs invalid for the category!
Eager to prove myself again, I went back to the drawingboard and grinded for some new record times. After 7 completed runs, I finally got a time of sub 26 that I'm happy with! It's only 1 minute away from my invalid WR time which is close enough for me to be happy with it for now :)
I might do another Rundown video of this run to explain some of the changes to the Quests I do and so on.
Feel free to let me know If you guys are interested!
Thanks for reading and I hope to see some of you trying to beat my new time.

We're cleaning up the leaderboard. As you can already see all Kingdom Quests lost their own tab and we collected them in the "Kingdom Quests" tab.
Over the next few days the same will happen with instances to reduce the space all the categories take up. This also makes it easier to add new King