Flappy Golf Series Discord Server (x-post from /fg2)
6 years ago
United States


Post by @Pokemonmaster888:

Hey Flappy Golfers! I noticed speedrun.com recently added Flappy Golf 1 and 2, and I've been watching things progress here for a couple of weeks. If you aren't aware, a community for Flappy Golf 1 and 2 already exists and we have a multi-purpose Discord server where we communicate about high scores and fastest times (mostly high scores at this time). Most of us come from Cyberscore where charts for flaps mode in both games and time mode in the 1st game exist.

That said, you guys are welcome to join the server and I can add a speedrunning channel or two in the server if you want to make it your base of communication. The server has been around since October 2016. Any questions can be directed towards me. Take a look and hope to see some of you around. ?


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