Looking for new moderators!
1 year ago

Hey everyone, we're looking for new verifiers/moderators! Us current mods are pretty bored of the game and we want people who could breathe some new life into this community. Leave a reply if you're interested, stating:

  • A little about your experience with FE2 (how you got into the game, what keeps you interested, etc)
  • Why you want to be a mod
  • Why you should be a mod (why would you be better than some random person?)

Edit: Applications are over, congratulations to @bluwrd, @ryanbennettr, @Cylazzz, @Cr0pped, and @Us3rnam3 !

Bearbeitet von der Autor 1 year ago
gamersogood2 gefällt das.
  • I joined FE2 5 years ago, I like the fast paced game style and all the repetitiveness of it.
  • Because there's so many runs in the queue that need to be cleared and also wanna help ig
  • Well, I have a lot of free time to clear the queue, know the rules, and know how to retime (which isn't helpful atm but maybe for the future)


gamersogood2 gefällt das.
Derbyshire, England

gamersogood2 My 2nd forum title on the verifier situation. We need new active verifier(s). My application: I am gamer (real name lol) I’ve been a part of the flood escape speedrun community for a year and a half. I understand moderators have responsibilities and I am able to meet all those expectations of a verifier/moderator (idk if same thing). -I am very active on discord, this website and roblox. -I am 15 years of age so I guess I have to be somewhat mature -Something I like doing is being a part of something and being able to help other people so I could really help with verifying 🤷‍♂️ -A new verifier is really needed because on the discord server I see people almost every day complaining about runs taking too long to be verified and hear me out - TIME ZONES. I know that 3 of the current verifiers live in North America (may even be more but I need to check) and something that would be really useful is a verifier on a completely opposite time zone. I live in England, which is a few hours ahead of North America I think. This means that if I were a verifier, I could verify runs in my morning time while the other verifiers are asleep or in the evening when they are at school or busy. Time zone advantages. -I have a good understanding of how the system works because I’ve submitted runs, watched 4_4 verify runs and like management so I take an interest in timing and numbers. (I’m somewhat gifted in maths but that information is irrelevant)

I hope you do consider this application because it would be really helpful for this community to have a new verifier like myself. Have a great day to anyone who read all of that 😭

michaell gefällt das.
Capital Territory, Australia

I joined fe2 in 2019, it was only since 2022 I started to main speedrun fe2. I believe that I will have some great opinions to bring with me. Whenever I am given a role I try to be active with it? With is what I will try do with this role (if I’m given it). I also just have Alot of free time and need something to do nowadays. I will try and contribute to mod conversations and I’m very active on discord. The only problem is that I don’t know how the system works, other than that I think I will be a great moderator and an amazing help to the fe2 team.

Also since I’m in Australia I’m litteraly 1 day and 14 hours behind you guys, so it’s another great reason why I should join your team!

If you decide to choose me for your mod team then Galaxxy#3517 is my discord user (:

Bearbeitet von der Autor 1 year ago
gamersogood2 gefällt das.
United States

I joined Flood Escape 2 first early after original release in 2017. I want to be a mod to help increase the activity, and refuse to verify my own runs and will let others do that if I get accept because that feels cheesy I should be a mod because personally I feel like I understand the game enough and will benefit this community with my activity for a decent while, and I won't make any slip-ups when verifying, I will watch every run in full.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 1 year ago
gamersogood2 gefällt das.

Hi All, im bluwrd (a decorated/seasoned FE2 professional)

I have taken it into consideration that there aren’t a lot of EU moderators/verifiers in the speedrun scene right now. This is why I believe I should become one of the two again as I have a lot of knowledge about Flood Escape 2 hence why I’m rebirth 16. This is all for today, if you have any questions dm me at: bluu#6346.

-king vercetti

michaell und gamersogood2 gefällt das.
United States

My name is Aceee.

I have been playing the game for 4 years and got into speedrunning the game back during the lockdown in 2020. I got into the game after playing the original Flood Escape when I first joined Roblox, I have played it whenever I can and have been playing it almost every day from 2020 to 2023, playing slightly less after the update in April. I have enjoyed and loved speedrunning, although raging at times, I had always loved playing the game when I started to get to the point where I played Roblox only for Fe2. I started to get into speedrunning when I stumbled upon it in my recommendations of a Lost Woods speedrun. I tried it and realized I what somewhat decent at it and started to actually get into Speedrunning, and have been speedrunning whenever I can since 2020. This is why I would like to be a Moderator for Fe2, as I have played the game more and read the rules more times than I could count, far more than the average speedrunner. Thank you for reading.

Discord tag: bigpoopyballball#2728

Bearbeitet von der Autor 1 year ago
gamersogood2 gefällt das.
Gelöscht von der Autor
Washington, USA

me verifier pls

retrozy, VentureMatical und 7 Andere gefällt das.
United States

What a strange request, a person by the name of "Nolyswag" replies to the thread "Looking for new moderators" with "me verifier pls". I'm no expert but I think he is gonna get the job.

Galaxxypro12345 gefällt das.

Im Guigui,

Even tough I'm not active and all that in the community, being a mod of this game is something I was considering since a long time ago. I've been paying attentions to the categories for years and at that point watched basically every wrs, I even applied for mod back in september 2021, which didn't went in my favour. I also have experience as a mod because I've been mod in multiple games like Leap and Find The Doges. I would love being a mod as I genuinely love this game and has been addicted to it sinceits release in 2017. And btw i always verify runs on the spot when i come back home. Guigui413#6016

Bearbeitet von der Autor 1 year ago
gamersogood2 gefällt das.



vouch guigui hes the goat verifier icl

I 1st joined fe2 in early 2018, or late 2017 (I don't remember) Although I am not very active in the FE2 discord anymore, I still would like to help assist with verifying times in the FE2 speed running community.

I really liked the game, because of it's difficulty, such as crazy maps giving me a raging time, but also a really enjoyable experience.

Although I'm not really a fan of speed running, I still love to watch people speed run games, such as FE2

I'm also a high school student, so I got a lot of time on my hands, and can put a lot of time into verifying runs.

I started watching speed runs in around early to mid 2021 ish. I still love to grind out this game, as well as to speedrun it as well.

Written: princessje11ybean If you got a question for me or anything DM me at princessje11ybean#9729

gamersogood2 gefällt das.

hi im username im good mod cuz i have played fe2 before


-I have been playing FE2 for around 2 years at this point, part of the speedrun community for atleast 1 of them. I am kept interested in FE2 Because of its fast pacing, the fun maps, and its (was) unique physics.

-I would like to be mod b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶p̶o̶w̶e̶r̶ because i feel i can breathe new light into the community. I have alot of experience with TAS, I am fairly confident I can tell if a run is cheated or not. I am relatively non-bias

  • I am friends with 8y, Epix, Nolyswag, 4_4, Gamersogood2.
gamersogood2 gefällt das.
Derbyshire, England

Gabquishyy should get mod fr

Galaxxypro12345 gefällt das.

fr (even though he doesnt play anymore)


hello im mature im active very much i will allow runs only if theyre done by a pig and im pretty much the best option for super mod, my discord is a#0001 and i like men, im a 59 year old so im obviously gonna be good in vcs and im always up to answer any questions asked yes im worthly mod make me mod im very cool and hype🔥

bluwrd, gamersogood2, und Cylazzz gefällt das.
Calgary, AB, Canada

can i verfy

Galaxxypro12345 gefällt das.
Neueste Nachrichten
Velocity Display

Henlo this is your local FE2 speedrunning mod Nolyswag and I'd just like to recommend for people to use velocity display during runs to maximize the odds of your run being verified (it just helps confirm that your run is legit).

Signing out, Nolyswagger the 1st

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