Introduction - Proposed Rules Changes to Main Categories.
7 years ago
Texas, USA

Hello, one and all, I am Sanji Himura. As a way of introduction, I have been playing video games for nearly 30 years, and 20 of them have been spent in various fighting games such as King of Fighters (my drug of choice when I am not playing Cards Against Humanity online), Street Fighter and Super Smash Bros. and any and most variants in between.

I have decided to become a moderator for Fatal Fury Special on this site because I feel that fighters deserve an opportunity to enjoy the spotlight among great platformers like Super Mario Brothers, Sonic the Hedgehog and other classics. However, like any good political outsider, once I was accepted, I realized that what is shiny on the outside is not always gold.

The first thing that I would like to address is the lack of uniformity in the speedrunning rules for the game. When I completed my run of the game, there is plenty of unknowns that is undefined and wasn't completely spelled out in the rules. Can one alter the timer? Who do I defeat to stop the timer, Krauser or Ryo Sakazaki? It was these questions and more that really opened up and actually produced a WR in this game that if a person who doesn't read between the lines, would see as violating the spirit of the run.

Let's make one thing clear, violating the spirit of the run, perceived or not, is something that I DON'T want to happen on my watch.

That said, I want to spell things out in the rules that would help this game grow as a speed running category, and I have identified a few things that would need to be addressed in both categories (some less than others) that I feel would help the game.


  1. Altering the Round timer should be explicitly forbidden through the Dipswitch menu.

  2. Make clear when the timer stops (when the final hit lands on Wolfgang Krauser)


  1. Altering the difficulty is OK, but altering the timer below 60 or above 99 is not ok, and should see the run rejected.

  2. Make clear in the rules when the timer stops (when the final hit lands on Wolfgang Krauser)

Both Categories:

  1. (a common sense one, but) All submissions should require video proof.

  2. Create Categories for both Arcade and SNES for runs that run up to and include the Ryo fight.

Anyways that is all that I have. I am more than welcome to hear your concerns for the category.