Form German Nation in 3h 32m 03s 630ms by
One more category is left to be filled in. I thought to go as Brandenburg first, but then I realized, conquest in the HRE requires you to go outside of the box. So, I chose Austria, who can easily get PU's, is the emporer so can't pester me about unlawful territory, and can culture shift. 1535 is an excellent start date because that's when Austria is stronk, with land right next to Germany. PU's give auto cores, as well as avoid those pesky modifiers about unlawful territory. The run almost died near the end, but fortunately, EU3 decided that no, it wasn't going to shut down on me. There's a lot of minor stuff to chat about on that run, but this description here gives about the general run-down of the strategy.
Edit: Fixed milliseconds
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