Rules discussion and "too hard for me" mode
7 years ago
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

As the title mentions, i think the rules are a little bit too loose at the moment, as it doesn't cover the option of using the "too hard for me" mode and, since interest in the game has been grown lately, I think it would be good to talk about this sooner than later.

Too hard for me mode allows for faster recharge of energy, meaning you can transform more, grating more possibilities for faster levels times and unique IL strategies.

I honestly think it should be allowed for all categories since it means faster times and more enjoyable grind on the harder aspects of the game (Like the heavy precision section and the inconsistent IL strats that could be used on speedrun more freely).

I'd like to hear opinions on the matter, specially from other runners, to see if we can reach a consensus. If this thread gets no response and/or colaja does not see the messages I sent him on twitter to discuss about this in one more week (so august 27th), I'll update the rules as stated above, since I think it's the best direction for this game.

Victoria, Australia

Hey Hey, after having a read i agree with the idea to update the rules, Unfortunately i have very limited PC/Internet Access at the current time so feel free to update the rules.

Hopefully ill be back soon and be able 2 put a real crack in to make a solid time myself :D

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Awesome Colaja, hope everything is going well for you. I also will make a nice run with the IL strats.

I'll update the rules for all categories now then. If anyone have further questions, feel free to ask them here in this thread.



I'm interested in speedrunning the game, especially going for a full run! :)

Smosism gefällt das.
Maine, USA

I can't believe that I am just now seeing this forum post.

After one run with Too Hard For Me activated I've brought down my time by 3 minutes. This is definitely faster and hopefully encourages more people to start speed running this game in the future.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 7 years ago
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

That's the idea, get more people interested. I'm working on some IL practice right now, hope we can push the time further down in the near future. Do you have Discord, Furoceus? We could discuss strats there.

Maine, USA

Yeah, I have Discord. When I get off work this afternoon I will update my profile information and add you as a friend.

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