Is HD Collection acceptable for running this game?
6 years ago
Washington, USA

I'm gearing up for speedrunning DMC3:SE again and I got the HD Collection on sale. Is using this version acceptable? As far as I'm aware there's no gameplay changes.

It doesn't seem to lag like the old PC version and has much better controller support so it seems like the immediately superior option.

SaiyanGamingz und Mekarazium gefällt das.

vDMC3:SE lags because the BGM-files are being loaded literally the same time you enter the room/start the fight (that's more or less proven theory), causing you a bunch of problems, especially if you want to run the game. Removing /sound folder does something with in-game logic, making the game run a little bit faster than you should (proven by checking the old VNG+ HoH runs of mine, i7-2630QM / Radeon6600 rig and comparing to i7-7700 / 1060 6GB), same goes to the cutscenes.

StyleSwitcher solves the problems w/ BGM, and pretty much serves as a patch that you >can< use, although you have to make a bunch of fixes (since the default configuration gives you 2 Air Hikes(bonus jumps)) to the config file. We agreed on that thingie, and well, so far so good. @Simoteus does his runs w/ SS, if you'll have any problems w/ it - ask him. And join our Discord btw.

HDC had a lot of problems during the launch, and afaik it's ~2 min. slower than the vDMC3:SE, because it's pretty much X360 port, and lacks a bunch of things that Vanilla version has, such as cutscene movements.

Both versions are acceptable for the submissions. If you want to run HDC, you're free to do so, and you can submit your runs w/ HDC version. Personally, i run Vanilla, because it's fun to get these things during your run:

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
Bulkich und SaiyanGamingz gefällt das.
Washington, USA

Thanks for the replies guys. A part of me thought this forum would be a bit dead but you've given me hope!

That slowdown clip is great lol.


Any forum is never dead, given the latest run is ~2-3 days old. If you'll need any help, try checking up the Discord.


Good to know, that you can use the HDC to run the game. Is it still slower than the OG versions?


The HDC is still slower than the 2006 port.


Sadge. And how about splitting the og games and the HDC? Or did the community alrdy vote against that idea?


We used to have all versions listed separately but voted to merge PC versions with each other and console versions similarly:

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