New categories discussion thread
6 years ago

This will be a long post, but I tried making it as concise and structured as possible, so just bare with me.

THE PROBLEM WITH ANY% As I see it, Any% has a major flaw at the moment - it's very dependent on luck. Every segment has some luck factor which can cost you from 5 to 20 seconds or even lose you a run. Last Saturday i've had ~10 potential sub-6 runs which failed on the final dig, either because I had too little bombs or time bonuses just didn't spawn near me. Out of anger I even changed my nickname here.

POTENTIAL SOLUTION I suggest making a new category. I have two ideas: Bombless% and MaxPick%(or Any% Bombless and Any% MaxPick). As the names suggest Bombless% is the same as Any%, but doesn't allow bombs, and MaxPick% requires to finish the game with a fully upgraded pick. Lets break each one down.

Bombless% Pros:

  1. Removes the luck factor of getting coal for bombs.
  2. Longer, so a lot more room for improvement.
  3. A lot of potential for route experimentation. Cons:
  4. Digging through the diamond layer without bombs and getting diamond for upgrades might add even more rng.
  5. Might be too long for some people to enjoy.

MaxPick% Pretty much the same pros and cons as with Bombless%, but it has some differences. Most importantly, it removes the luck that comes with digging through the diamond layer without bombs and getting diamond for upgrades. The route is still flexible, but not as much as in Bombless% since it forces you to get the last pick upgrade.

Both of these are very solid options for a new category in my opinion.

CONCLUSION That's all I wanted to say. Feel free to talk about and/or disagree with everything I've said. Thanks for reading!

P.S. Sorry about my grammar and/or panctuation and/or spelling. English isn't my native language.

stewartinglis1916 gefällt das.
Cambridgeshire, England

hey just put up a thread myself then realised you put the same thing xD I think that bombless is a good idea, might be long but makes the game much more interesting and adds a whole new level of strategy Also 100% could be quite good, it is slow and involves a lot of grinding but again could be quite interesting to figure out how to get lower times Max pick imo just doesn't seem very rewarding idk

Vague gefällt das.

There actually was 100% for the first 2 weeks or so. It was too long and boring for me. I agree that that it'd make the game more interesting/strategic but there are better alternatives like bombless that provide the same amount of strategy and are shorter. Thanks for your thoughts!

edit: didn't realise you knew that 100% was removed since I didn't look at your post. sorry

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
Argyll, Scotland

Added MaxPick% and Bombless%.

Vague gefällt das.


stewartinglis1916 gefällt das.
Argyll, Scotland

If anyone has any other category suggestions then you can always post your ideas here.

Cambridgeshire, England

Tbh I'd much rather run 100% than max pick, from my attempts I just don't find it as rewarding so it kinda seems pointless. I know it was taken out of leaderboards for not being entertaining but me and a couple of my friends have tried it a few times and really enjoyed it and would be happy to speedrun it if it was reintroduced

I did MaxPick in about 30-40mins, but it's pretty pointless

Argyll, Scotland

Hi all, if there's any more run modes that you would like to see on here, please don't hesitate to reply to this topic.

United States

you should make hat%. you start when you press start game and you end when you buy the hat upgrade

frisbii gefällt das.
Argyll, Scotland

Hi MrPlagueDoctor, this is a good idea. I don't see why you can't go ahead with this category. Also, sorry for the super late reply, I've been busy and this forum slipped my mind. I'll get it sorted.

EDIT: Hat% now created and ready to be ran.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 4 years ago
United States

I don't mean to be that person, but isn't the first place runin Any% invalid? The rules say you cannot start with any upgrades, and they started with the drill from the few bits I've seen. If I am mistaken that is completely fine. but I just want to be sure that these runs are legitimate.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 4 years ago
stewartinglis1916 gefällt das.
Argyll, Scotland

Well spotted RedsKanto, I never noticed at first because I'm lazy xD, that run will be removed ASAP.

United States

I'm sorry. I dont mean to be that guy LOL

stewartinglis1916 gefällt das.
Argyll, Scotland

Don’t be sorry. Be thankful that you helped!

United States

I'm seeing all this 100% and how long it is, but tbh I see it getting much faster than 26 minutes. You can use the Any% method to collect uranium and get the diamonds with a bunch of bombs. Coal is the most crucial thing to the speedrun though imo

stewartinglis1916 gefällt das.

Let's add a High Score category?? (1 meter is 1 second, the more the better)

Bearbeitet von der Autor 1 year ago
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