Rerolling stats
1 year ago
New York, USA

There needs to be a discussion on using the occultist to reroll stats (enchanting). I have not done it yet in my runs as the only characters in sorftcore I have in T3 or above were ones I did runs for... BUT this is an absurdly strong advantage for any run prior to T3.

If it were to be approved, which I am not sure I would even be in favor for, I'd suggest that the only run you can do rerolls for is the fallen temple. Again, I am hesitant on that. I am really hoping there is some patch out there that adds the SSF realm or something where you get a clean character but in the meantime we probably actually need to have a few actual sit down - round table - rules discussions.

The thing I would want to avoid the most is for both the Diablo 4 at large and the speedrunning at large communities to call this whole thing a joke. Which it could quickly become without a lot of communication, explanations, and clarity as the game itself does not make this a simple answer.

United States

are u feeling like rerolling is an unfair advantage is someone has a lot of cash from previous gameplay they can roll a whole ton and get the stats they need?

United States

I disagree. If you want to use your time to reroll a stat on a low level item, go ahead. I don't think the time spent will save you time that could be spent outside of town. The bigger time save would be seen in the WT4 unlock because you get higher percentage rolls to things like movespeed, but that run is going to be so long that I'm ok with reducing a few mins on those multiple hour long runs.

New York, USA

Apparently you can reroll normal rares with just veiled crystal. Which makes it even more of a reason to have a determination.

Definitely not a waste of time for the potential damage output boost on any class that uses a 2h sword at least (maybe sorc with the staff of elemental command i haven't tested the run yet). Eventually the best route will be determined as the objective best route. (like jail strats in d2) The whole run I think will come down to a gamble on the ilvl and affix roll of the unique elite boss item, and its subsequent enchantment roll.

Rerolling outside of that is a much smaller gamble as soon as you get a big drop with 3/4 good stats, and greatly benefits anyone who plays a lot of the game outside of speedruns. Someone who can fully upgrade gear at all times, reroll at least once each item for the quick gamble, and imprint at 25 every piece of gear, is going to have a massive power and survivability advantage over someone who doesn't.

I will grind out the stuff if necessary, but the fact that this stuff isn't addressed in the rules and the paragon points are when characters are sub 50 just seems odd. This is a complex game and it has a lot of different things in it that give you power between characters. I want to make sure these specific things are addressed.

United States

I might be okay with limiting rerolls to a certain amount per item, but removing it completely benefits classes that have high base damage and range (like rogue, sorc, necro), due to how powerful kiting is. Try rolling into Cathedral of light at level 35 or 36 on a barbarian with no rerolls or without full aspects on. Having to engage in melee range with mobs that can 2 shot you is rough.

Also, some classes have a naturally higher variance on gear, like druid with all the extra damage types available because of elements, companions etc. Their gear just spawns with a larger stat pool.

I guess you could just say that different classes will always be different. It's just a matter of quality of life IMO.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 1 year ago