Veröffentlicht 24 days ago von

Hey runners

We recently updated the rules for the No Major Glitches category. As a result, some runs have been moved to better fit the new guidelines. If you're planning to submit a run to our site, I strongly recommend reading the updated rules to avoid any surprises.

Enjoy the weekend!

Veröffentlicht 3 months ago von

Hello everyone! We have important updates to share.

Following up on our last post (click here if you haven’t checked it out yet), we have decided to implement new rules to increase diversity and balance in the No Major competition category.

Since the launch of this category, we’ve noticed that many of you have had difficulty identifying significant bugs in the Inn. To address this issue and revitalize the category, we are introducing a rule that prohibits the burning or collection of ritual items from different floors. This rule specifically applies to the Inn map, even though it is a universal rule for the category


We consider any run that involves collecting keys or ritual items from one floor to another, whether through doors or other means, as Any%. This also includes actions such as opening doors between different floors, knocking over trash cans from different floors (Asylum), or any other actions that do involve the items described in the paragraph below. Older runs that exploit these glitches will soon be moved to the Any% category.

On the other hand, collecting items like gasoline, fuses, etc., between floors or through walls is permitted. Please remember, this rule strictly applies to keys, doors, trash cans, and ritual items.

Inn & Town

For those looking to explore significant bugs in Inn, you can use the classic glitch of burning an egg from Storage through the laundry on the first floor. To better understand how this works, watch this video from Tracks: Watch here.

In the Town category, you can implement the glitch of trapping Sam in the Clothing Store. If you need more information on how to execute this in your runs, feel free to join our Discord, where our verifiers will be happy to assist you!

Thank you all for your cooperation, and good luck with your runs!

Veröffentlicht 5 months ago von

Hello everyone!

We’re excited to announce a new competition mode on our site: the "No Major Glitches" category.

This category is intended for runners who prefer to compete without using glitches that provide significant advantages, such as the Azazel trap, the black robe, or other bugs that may offer excessive benefits. It’s important to highlight that glitches involving pulling items from the ceiling, floor, or walls are not considered major advantages and can be used in the "No Major Glitches" category. Just like ladder stacking.

Previously submitted runs that included more advantageous glitches have been moved to the Any% category. Please stay tuned, as the main category may undergo some changes in the coming days. Also, be mindful of the category rules to avoid having your submission rejected.

Edited (27 September): The use of the black robe is allowed in solo mode, as it does not provide any significant advantage in the game.

We thank you all for your support and suggestions! If you have any questions about this, feel free to reply to this post or reach out to us on our Discord.

Veröffentlicht 7 months ago von

After a recent suggestion in our Discord server, we have decided to allow ReShade to be used while speedrunning. Use of other shaders is still prohibited.

Veröffentlicht 8 months ago von

Hey everyone! We've been thinking about potential categories we could add to the Category Extension and thought it would be a great idea to ask for your suggestions! If you have any ideas for alternate speedrun categories, regardless of how silly or serious they may be, feel free to leave them in the comments here or in our Discord server and we will go through them soon!

Thank you!

Veröffentlicht 9 months ago von

After some discussion, we have come to the conclusion that disconnecting from the game during a run, in order to pass keys to another player (which are always received by the game's host), should be allowed as a valid strategy. Reconnecting once you have left, however, will result in your run being invalidated.

This may not be extremely impactful in a lot of cases, but if people can use this mechanic to their advantage, I think it's fair to allow it.

Veröffentlicht 10 months ago von

With the game being out for over 3 years, we felt our previous theme was outdated and needed a revamp. I would like to thank our verifier, patoverme, for doing an amazing job with the new theme colours, cover, background and placement icons!

To add to this, another rule has been added to make the competitive nature of speedrunning a lot more honest: multiplayer submissions will now require the POV of every player participating. This has been done to make submissions a lot more easier to verify as we had been struggling to validate certain runs, especially when the only POV supplied was of the player fueling rituals. Runners will now also be able to see more of how world record runs were achieved, giving them a better idea of how to contest records, as well as being able to judge their legitimacy for themselves without extended efforts.

Thank you all for your interest and for being a part of this community! If anyone has any feedback or suggestions regarding the new theme or potential changes, feel free to leave them in the comments of this post or in our Discord server!

Veröffentlicht 11 months ago von

There's been a new rule added to make submissions easier to verify. Please make sure that all future runs include the post-game stats screen (the pop-up that shows minion kills, death count, etc). Existing runs will not be touched, however future ones that don't uphold this rule will be rejected.

Thank you!

Veröffentlicht 11 months ago von

Hi community,

The moderation team has decided that the timer should be stopped after the last ritual item is consumed on the first frame that the game displays 10/10.

Due to this change the moderation and verification team will go through each run and retime it so it fits with this new standard.

Thanks for your understanding and apologies for the amount of notifications you will recieve during this time.

Veröffentlicht 1 year ago von

After running a poll regarding disabling Perks & Batteries during Normal/Hard difficulty runs, the community has decided it would be best to remove the category due to it having too little impact on gameplay, unlike Nightmare, and only serves to increase the total duration without benefit. We would also like to cut down on categories in general since there seem to be a few too many.

These changes are in progress and will be worked on gradually throughout the week. For now, please submit any runs with the existing categories (e.g. Farmhouse | Perks & Batteries | Normal/Hard | Normal/Hard + Perks/Batteries).

If you would like to submit Normal/Hard difficulty runs without using Perks & Batteries, please submit them to the Category Extension where a new category has been created.

If you need any help, be sure to message a moderator via this site or our Discord server (, we're always happy to help! If you wish to take part in future polls as well, they will also be found there!

Thank you all for your submissions and being a part of this community!

Veröffentlicht 2 years ago von

Hello everyone,

I want to start off by saying that I’m glad everyone is enjoying The Town! It's great to watch your runs, see the strategies for the new map, and watch as new runners pick up the game! With the release of The Town, we moved all the old Full Game runs to the Category Extension to make room for Full Game runs featuring The Town. So keep up the great work everyone.

With that being said, if you’re in the discord you’ve probably already seen this, but Closet Clipping and Egg Safe spots have been removed from The Inn map as a part of the 3.0.14 Update. Some of you saw this as unhealthy for the game, and others were happy about their removal. Either way, the removal of these glitches wasn’t up to any of us, and it’s unlikely to see their return. Sadly, this means that The Inn leaderboard had to be reset as new runs of the game couldn’t compete with the older and faster strategies. This is similar to what happened with The Farmhouse during the 1.0.19 Update. On the bright side, the runs haven’t been permanently deleted. All the runs have been moved to the Category Extension, so if you have any old runs you want to submit, you still can.

Lastly, has implemented its supporter status. Whether or not you want to subscribe for its various perks is completely up to you, but I wanted to bring up one specific perk: Boosting. Boosting a leaderboard gives 3 of its active users ad-free viewing for a month. This encourages users to remain active in the community. So if you’re thinking about grabbing supporter status, think about using your boost here!

Once again, thank you all for remaining active, running the game, and keeping the community happy, thriving, and fun. As always, if you have any questions feel free to message any of the mods, or contact us via the discord! Good luck and have fun running!

Veröffentlicht 3 years ago von

Howdy everyone,

The polls have ended and the results are in! Here are the results:









A huge thank you to everyone who voted and gave us their opinions on the situation. Both the Mainboard and the Category Extension boards have been updated and are ready for use! All pre-v1.0.19 and Farmhouse pre-v2.2 runs have been moved to the Level Leaderboard on the CE and a 2 Map Category has been created there as well. The Level Leaderboard on the CE will act as a sort of archive for old categories, and multi-map runs will be moved here as new maps are released. For example, you'll notice that the Mainboard currently has a 3 Map category, while the 2 Map category sits in the archive. Once the Town is released a 4 Map category will take the place of the 3 Map category on the Mainboard, and the 3 Map category will be moved to the CE Level Leaderboard alongside the 2 Map category. We thought it didn't make sense to have the multi-map categories start with 3 or 4 maps. Since maps are released one at a time so sporadically, we wanted each "era" of the game to be represented. Keep in mind, you are more than welcome to still run the archived categories. In fact, there are currently no 2 Maps runs at all, so we encourage you all to do so.

In regards to moving No Batteries / No Perks to the Category Extension: While this vote did pass, after looking into it the mods all agreed it just wasn’t possible. If we moved all of the No Batteries / No Perks runs to the CE it’d 1. Take a mass amount of time and 2. It just wasn’t possible with how the variables work on the SRC. It’s pretty much the same reason we didn’t move the Hard Difficulty there. We did, however, make Batteries / Perks the default category on both the Mainboard and CE. So when you go to look at the leaderboard or submit a run it’ll default to that category.

I will say this before I go: The Category Extension Board is looking INCREDIBLY light since the only category there is TAS Bot. If you have any ideas for “meme” categories please shoot us mods a message or put them in the “Suggestions” tab of the Discord.

Thank you all so much for your patience through all this. These Leaderboard changes have been a long time coming, and having this massive overhaul out of the way makes it feel like a weight has been lifted off our shoulders. As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to message Infinite, Skoosh, or me on the SRC. Alternatively, there’s always the option of joining the Discord and messaging us on there! Stay safe and happy running!

Edit: If you have any runs that date back before version 2.2 please get in contact with me so I can add them to the Category Extension Level Leaderboard. There are currently a ton of runs floating in the aether right now that we can't see because they technically aren't classified under a map. Thank you!

Veröffentlicht 3 years ago von

Hello everyone,

I have some big news! The DEVOUR Category Extension was approved! This means that the much-requested Leaderboard update can begin soon. Before we can officially start moving stuff to the Category Extension there is some stuff we have to figure out. We have to decide what to move from the Mainboard to the Category Extension. If you’re in the Discord you’ve most likely already seen the proposed changes and have hopefully voted on them. If you haven’t seen the proposed changes, I’ll lay them out here as well as explain the thoughts behind these proposed changes/additions. (You must be in the Discord to vote. If for some reason you cannot join the Discord please message me and I’ll add your votes to the tally)

  1. All pre-v1.0.19 and Farmhouse pre-v2.2 runs will be moved to the Category Extension- This change is primarily because these are dead categories. Nobody is currently running them, and it’d be such a pain to back patch DEVOUR to the respective versions; however, it would be unfair and sad to just delete the category altogether. Doing so would result in countless runners losing a lot of hard work. By moving all All pre-v1.0.19 and Farmhouse pre-v2.2 runs to the CE there’d still be a log of all the runs. Plus if anyone is willing to back patch the game they’d still have a place to post their runs.

  2. No Batteries/No Perks will be moved to the Category Extension and the Default Settings for Runs on the Main Board will be Perks and Batteries on- The No Batteries/No Perks variable appears to be less popular than Batteries and Perks. By moving No Batteries/No Perks to the CE it would clear up the look of the Mainboard quite a bit. We’ve heard talk of people wanting us to split up Batteries/Perks, but that would make both leaderboards insanely clogged and would be a logistical nightmare on not only the mod’s end but also on the runner’s end.

  3. The Creation of a "Full Game" Category on the Mainboard once the newest map drops- A lot of talk about a Full Game Category has been happening recently. It’s an incredible idea and one that could become a staple of the DEVOUR speedrunning community. With the time of individual levels getting pushed lower and lower it’s a killer idea to have a slightly longer category that can showcase runners' skills across multiple maps. With a new map schedule to release in late March, we would wait until then to implement this addition.

  4. The Creation of a "No Med Kits" Category in the Category Extension- With sacrificing being one of the main strategies in multiplayer runs, an interest in a No Medkits category has been brought to our attention. It would create some tension in runs and perhaps change some strategies as well. Although this doesn’t really have an effect on solo players, it would be interesting to compare medkit runs to non-medkit runs.

  5. The Creation of a "No Flash Light" Category in the Category Extension- This wasn’t widely requested, but there was enough interest to warrant asking about it. The main reason it was requested was that it adds a decent amount of difficulty to the run. Not being able to stagger Anna, Molly, and Zara with a reduced vision would definitely make the run harder.

  6. The Creation of a "Fastest Death" Category in the Category Extension- This is a meme category through and through! With runs having the potential to be some of the shortest on the leaderboards. It’d be a quick run for laughs. One to take the edge off after having lost a couple of runs in a row.

  7. The Creation of a "TAS Bot" Category in the Category Extension- Tool-Assisted Speedruns, or TAS Bots for short, have been staples of the Speedrunning community for a very long time now. Doing wild things no human could do. Having the community code bots to try and break the game as much as possible would be incredibly cool to watch! Watching a bot do a million jumps before performing a stair hop would be awesome!

  8. The Creation of an "All Keys" Category in the Category Extension- Everyone loves collecting all the keys on every map! So why not just have the run end there? Actually a wild idea for a category, but it truly fits amongst the meme categories. Much like the "Fastest Death" Category, this run would be quick and fun to do. An easy way to blow off some steam.

If you have any other suggestions for categories or edits feel free to reach out to us and let us know! We always love to hear feedback. Thanks again to all of you! The community continues to grow and runs keep getting cooler and cooler! We appreciate all the support and help everyone gives, as well as all the feedback that’s leading to this huge leaderboard change. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to message us and we’ll get back to you. Stay safe, and happy running!

Veröffentlicht 3 years ago von

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to take this time to thank everyone who’s submitted runs this past week. It’s definitely kept me busy in my first week as a mod! The community has really been taking off and that’s thanks to all of you. We actually hit over 50 active runners this week which is incredibly hype! Just so you all know, we’re working hard on the back end of things, and part of that has been making some guides!

Recently some players submitted some runs with some fairly wild movement and we got some questions about it. They were doing something we’ve been calling Stair Hopping. Flower submitted a Solo - Asylum, Batteries/Perks, Nightmare run on January 2nd, 2022, and Raiden1, ShadowWorm, and SpartansThePrime submitted a Trios - The Inn, Batteries/Perks, Nightmare run the same day also featuring a Stair Hop (or SH for short). At the time we really had no clue what was happening. Just by looking at the run, it looked like hacking. Needless to say, we were confused. Luckily after some testing, mentoring, and explanation by Raiden and Flower, we understood the glitch.

By binding your jump to the scroll wheel on your mouse and progressively scrolling as you walk upstairs, you can “Stack” jumps. This is because you can’t jump upstairs while moving forward, and it stores all the jump inputs. That way when you reach the top of the stairs it’ll release all the stacked jumps at once, causing the player to rocket into the air. This allows us to clip through some ceilings in Asylum, as well as get onto the roof of The Inn. With that being said, if you now check the “guides” tab of the leaderboard you should see two guides. One for Stair Hopping and another for a trick called Closet Clipping.

Closet Clipping is a small movement glitch in The Inn that, if done quickly and consistently, can save you time. It’s done by standing in the small courtyard (not the one in front of the cleaning pools) of the Inn and activating a closet in a room on the second floor. Thus teleporting you from the ground floor to the 2nd floor. Saving you from having to walk all the way around if you need to get upstairs quickly.

I really hope you all enjoy the guides. Thanks again to Raiden1 and Flower for the explanations. We wouldn’t have been able to put these guides together without either of you. To the community as a whole: all of you are wonderful, and we’re working very hard to make sure everything continues to run smoothly! If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions please reach out to one of us either on here or the Discord and tell us. Until then, stay safe, and happy running!

Veröffentlicht 3 years ago von

Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone,

Starting now going forward, we will be including milliseconds in submissions going forward that are world records, or world record contenders. What do I mean by this? Well...

-We will be gradually going through and retiming all current WRs to include milliseconds. -If a submission is faster/slower than the current WR by a second or less, it will be retimed, with milliseconds, to ensure maximum accuracy. -If you don't time it yourself with milliseconds already, don't worry about making a change, we will retime it with milliseconds if necessary. -The submission form should allow you to leave milliseconds blank, but in the event that it doesn't, just manually type 000 in, no rounding necessary or anything, just go by what you originally timed it as.

Thank you all!

Veröffentlicht 3 years ago von

Happy 2022 everyone!

I've just updated/added some rules that are going to go into effect starting for runs done on 1-4-22 and later. Please take the time to review them yourself at some point, but here's the rundown:

-Effective 1-4-22, game audio is a requirement (jumpscares may be muted).

-FOR MULTIPLAYER RUNS: Effective 1-4-22, the rule regarding counting down to first movement is now REQUIRED. It was before, but it was rarely followed, so going forward, (starting 1-4-22) if your run doesn't have a countdown, it will be automatically denied. DO NOT BACKDATE YOUR RUNS. If you end up with a run that was ran on 1-4-22 or later that doesn't have a countdown, please just be honest and do not submit it or backdate it. If you are caught backdating, appropriate actions will be taken. (A more detailed explanation of the "countdown to first movement" rule can be found in both the Game Rules and individual Category Rules.)

-FOR MULTIPLAYER RUNS: Effective 1-4-22, because of the countdown rule, voice chat audio is now a requirement.

JUST A REMINDER: In your video titles, please do not preemptively claim "WR." Oftentimes, submissions will have "WR" in the title before it is even verified. Obviously, we have no moderation control for off-site affairs, but it's more of a manners thing, and we strongly recommend against it. After your run is verified, you are more than welcome to add it to your title, if it does turn out to be WR. It's recommended that you try to keep the title up to date if possible, changing it to "Former WR" if it is beaten. Your run's verification process won't be affected by whether or not the title claims it to be the WR, but again, it's more of a good sportsmanship thing than anything else.

Thank you everyone, happy new year and happy running!

Veröffentlicht 3 years ago von

Hey everyone,

As I quickly discovered, the planned maintenance is a huge, HUGE undertaking for one person, not to mention extremely complicated. Leaderboards have been reverted to what they were before, for the time being.

However, because I was already partway through the transition, I had to manually go back through every single run and re-classify them back into their respective maps (this is because that variable had already been deleted, and I wanted to add it back).

Through this process, there was a very small amount of runs that I was not able to re-verify, as the video no longer exists and I couldn't confirm what map or version they were run on. In some cases, these runs that were missing video were submitted well before Asylum came out, so I could confirm these runs as Farmhouse Pre-v2.2. If your run was one of these, and you would like it back on the leaderboard, you're more than welcome to reupload your video and resubmit it for verification.

As I said earlier, what I want to do with the leaderboard and the direction I want to take this community in is an unrealistically large undertaking for one person. So, I'm officially looking for more mods.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE- I'm mainly looking for more mods because I need help with the project of rearranging the leaderboards, so it's heavily preferred that you are a past or current mod for a different game, who has a good understanding of how the leaderboard editing system works. It's a pretty confusing system, and while I know it somewhat well enough to use it, I definitely don't trust that I know it well enough to teach it to someone else, so it's good if you already have that knowledge.

Of course, you're more than welcome to apply even if you don't have this knowledge, as help can still be used elsewhere. Contact me here on SPC via the messaging system, or on Discord (skoosh#7911) if you're interested.

Bottom line is: I can maintain this community as it is now by myself, but in order to improve it and introduce new things, I definitely need others on board. And I genuinely do want to improve this leaderboard and community, I just need some help from you all with it.

Thank you for your patience during this transitional period!

Veröffentlicht 3 years ago von

Hey guys, very important notice-

Leaderboards will be undergoing a big rearranging, starting when this post goes live. Here's what changes will be made, and what the process will look like, and why:

First, categories (the tabs at the top of the page) will no longer be sorted the number of players (solo, duos, etc.) but instead, will be labeled by map. So, the tabs will now be Farmhouse, Asylum, The Inn, and Misc. This will make the leaderboards feel a lot less complicated, and feel more true to the game. What do I mean by more true to the game? Well, in terms of more casual play, people don't get on DEVOUR with their friends with the goal of "hey, let's play as a duo" or "let's play as a squad of four." Instead, it seems like the primary differential factor is what map is being played/ran. More along the lines of "hey guys, let's go try out the new map!"

Second, Pre-v2.2 Farmhouse runs will be moved to the Misc. tab that will be added, instead of being categorized as a map.

Third, there are two changes that only MAY be implemented: moving the Hard difficulty to Misc., and moving Pre-v1.0.19 to Misc. I say MAY be implemented, not because I don't want to implement them, but because logistically, it's going to be a massive challenge. Speaking of logistics...

HERE'S WHAT THE PROCESS WILL LOOK LIKE: Because of the way that the leaderboards are currently set up, there is going to be a ton of shuffling around for a few hours as everything is reorganized/reclassified. It's going to be very messy, and no new runs will be verified until this process is over. It will hopefully only take the rest of the night, but I am one person, and there is a lot to do, so I please ask you all for some patience. Thank you.

Veröffentlicht 3 years ago von

Hello everyone, As you may have seen in my response to an existing thread, I've been thrust into being the only active DEVOUR moderator (as of right now). You guys are definitely owed attention, and reception to your feedback. I would really like to revitalize and fix up this leaderboard. So, let me dive into what has been done, and what is a part of future plans:

WHAT HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE/FIXED: -Gotten through the entire backlog of submissions as of time of this post (if your run is still pending, check your messages. I reached out to a few of you regarding your submissions, so please take a look there). -Updated timing rules regarding Farmhouse to be more clear on when timing ends, please take time to review the rules to avoid confusion. -Created a community Discord, which I strongly urge you to join if you can. This is going to be a massive part of making and discussing suggestions. I believe in the idea that the leaderboards truly belong to the community, and I'd like to represent the general census of the community most accurately as possible. You can, of course, still use the forums here to make suggestions, and I'd like to be clear that suggestions made via the Discord are not given any kind of preferential treatment over the forums, and vise versa. You can join here: -Speaking of suggestions, I did take the time to go through all forum threads and read your suggestions. With that being said...

WHAT IS PLANNED FOR THE FUTURE: -I 100% am certain that I am going to streamline the categories to some extent. I saw a lot of talk over there being far too many, and I agree. Several people discussed that something should be done with the Hard difficulty category, since it's very similar to Normal, it's just creating unnecessary clutter, and it's reducing competitiveness by creating many additional leaderboards. What exactly I'm going to do with it, I'm not completely sure yet, because I'd like to hear from you all what you'd prefer. I'm thinking about possibly moving it to Misc. or something along those lines, so please let me know what you would like to see happen with it. -Farmhouse Pre-v2.2 will likely be moved around in the future to whatever works best in terms of organizing and streamlining the leaderboards. Everything is kind of a mess right now on the back end, so I ask that you bear with me as I figure out the best way to reorganize everything. I'm trying to get a grasp on where things were left off, and how best to continue from this point on. -I'm thinking about the possibility of adding an "all maps" run category, but I wouldn't do this before organizing and reducing the existing categories. Also, logistically, I'm unsure how this would work in terms of when new maps are added, maybe when a new map is added, the existing "all maps" runs can be renamed to "all maps pre-[update number]" and moved to a misc. category for archive purposes. This is a very big IF, and if it does happen, it would be more of a long-term goal for the future.

Thank you so much for your attention, and I hope to see you all on the Discord or the forums soon to talk :)

Neueste Nachrichten
Rule Changes | No Major Glitches

Hey runners

We recently updated the rules for the No Major Glitches category. As a result, some runs have been moved to better fit the new guidelines. If you're planning to submit a run to our site, I strongly recommend reading the updated rules to avoid any surprises.

Enjoy the weekend!

24 days ago
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