Speedrun beginners guide
Speedrun beginners guide
Aktualisiert 3 years ago von abaconbuttie

This is a list of info that will hopefully answer questions beginners may have. It's primarily aimed at glitched categories. Hopefully it's helpful :D

Controller vs kb

Controller is most likely better but not by that much; it lets you get better angles while walking and rolling around but from my calculations on average when just walking, keyboard is about 5.4% slower. While it is more when rolling is taken into account (too hard to calculate exactly) it's not like a huge amount. Kb can get angles while zooming anyways so only a problem at the start of the run. In return you get faster pauses and easier complex tricks so just go with what feels natural. Both are competitive at the end of the day so if you prefer one over the other it’s fine in like almost 99% of cases

General movement

Here's my vid for zoomies, arcs and Zarcs: The optimal way to do dagger zoomies is starting with a rollheavy one and then chaining heavy ones afterwards. Arcs are used for most skips in the game and Zarcs make hard ones easier if you're willing to spend the time to learn them.

Version differences

By far the biggest changes between the versions are:

  1. In 1.0 the dagger heavy attack lunge is much further making zoomies faster and arcs longer.
  2. 1.0 also has soul door skips allowing you to go through the crow doors at any point without freeing the crow souls. So as for choosing which to run, it mostly boils down to the tradeoff between ava1 early in cp which is very heavily rng and ava3 early for 1.0 which has a tricky zoomie +1/2 arcs over a void making it prone to softlocks. Of course on top of this there's the fact that you have to downgrade but I would advise to focus on the big tradeoff detailed above.

(Side note from a 1.0 runner here, but 1.0 sounds scary with the softlock potential, however arcs can be learnt and made almost second nature with practice, making the early ava 3 skip far less intimidating, once arcs are learnt I would argue that the fights in game can actually be harder sometimes)


Here are some easy to miss details and tips and such for skips in the run.

Batskip You want to stand on the third step from the top to get up easier.

Fake hook You should start a bit away from the edge as it's very hard from right at the edge unless you do the arc from a slash. (With the sword and arcs they are far easier to perform when you are a moderate distance from any edge provided you are doing arcs with the heavy attack which is easier to learn then a regular slash attack arc, the timing is different than an arc with daggers which can be performed almost while on the tip of any edge)

Potskip Getting onto the pot is a bit rng so don't worry if you don't get it that quickly. There are many ways of getting onto the pot, the current best is w+a heavy and roll from the other side.

Ava1 early This version is only available on mouse and keyboard Okay so new trick was discovered fairly recently that made this trick so bearable that I got it first time after only trying for 10 minutes, and I have literally never tried the trick before, on top of that its consistent the vid below shows what happens, but in essence, putting the cursor inside yourself causes a sort of jank that we call a "slope pull" basically meaning on any slopped surface your character will always be pulled to the top or at least as high as possible, so placing the cursor inside yourself performing a slash and rolling, after the roll pause and hold your mouse in a specific position to get the best angle, then after unpausing they hold and charge heavy, now while the character is being "pulled" upwards at the highest point, you will automatically release the heavy slash, no input needed there, however right as you slash, pause then unpause and light slash as fast as possible to stop your momentum, otherwise you will fall over the edge, then just hold WA and heavy slash over the rail to get across, same principle for the second rail. Also quick note that if the "slope pull" isn't working for you, fall off the edge once and that should fix it, we aren't sure why that's the case but hey. NEW CONSISTENT METHOD VID RIGHT HERE

Now I'm going to keep the old method here for controller users as there are tips here that can be used for controller only users, just know that this trick is super hard on controller so keyboard is really recommended

For a vid and precise setups see my explanation here: https://discordapp.com/channels/867378517519106080/868072051984977931/891673692575236116 Later I realized that left rail for the second one is better: https://discordapp.com/channels/867378517519106080/868072051984977931/891722430404501574 Just know that this trick is like huge rng so don't get sad about not getting it. (1.0 runner again, I have tried this trick myself and it really is difficult and frustrating so yeah don’t get irritated with this trick it takes a lot of time to get right) Soul door skips These are massive jank, just keep at it until the game lets you through. (1.0 runner boyo again, they are a little jank but walking into the back left of any door and wiggling a little normally gets you through every time here's an example if you aren’t sure )

One last thing, these are basics to get a run started, and most of the base tricks detailed in the general movement are what gets you through a lot of the game, later in cp and 1.0 there are a few other advanced tricks using tech detailed above but just ask people in the discord and they’ll be happy to help :D https://discord.com/invite/b27AgZ4fJf

Guide put together by Wijo and double checked by abaconbuttie. Have fun running the game! :)

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