how do I do 100% runs if I already got all the stars and unlocked flowlest mode?
3 years ago
Minnesota, USA

I want to try 100% speedruns, so I completed the game casually and got all the stars first. But unlike the first game, all the stars are gone now. Is there a way to get them back?

Oh_my_gourdness gefällt das.
Ind​ianapolis, IN, USA

The only way to get the stars back into the levels is to turn on the in-game timer. Alternatively, you can just restart you game.

Oh_my_gourdness und Fern11011 gefällt das.
Minnesota, USA


Oh_my_gourdness gefällt das.

Either you turn on the in game timer but then you just won't have check points so if or when you die you'll have to start back at the beginning of level instead of back at check point to do it with check points you'll have to Uninstaller and then re install it again that's what I do fowlst mode 100% is un playable

Oh_my_gourdness gefällt das.
United Kingdom

Idk about on consoles or apple but on Android I have the option to clear app storage - it deleted my progress without having to install the game again. very useful.

Oh_my_gourdness gefällt das.
Oregon, USA

OMG. I could have been running this with CHECKPOINTS this whole time!!!! panic


Italian6th yes I ran dadish 3 on 100% with checkpoints, just Uninstaller and re installed again, that's how I got WR in dadish 3 for 100%.

Oh_my_gourdness gefällt das.

If you re install dadish on console you may have to pay money again, but of course free on mobile.

Oh_my_gourdness gefällt das.
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