Old PBs are also welcome!
If you have some very old runs that are no longer your PB, feel free to still submit them! (of course you do have to change the date of the run while submitting).
If the run is not very significant (it has a very slow time for instance), a screenshot of the run time is also acceptable in some cases. Just DM me the screenshot on Discord (Vexxter#6969).
This way we can get a better idea of the speedrunning history of Cleaning The System, because right now there are only a couple of runs submitted for each level.
TIP: If you're not sure when the run was performed, go to the properties of the screenshot file and look at when the file was created. If you do not have the original file then look at the time the screenshot was first uploaded.
Kürzliche Durchläufe
Level: Elephant
Level: Snowman