Level 10?
Hey folks,
Does anyone know how to reach level 10? I played until 200k points and was still stuck at level 9... :-/
I also think the 100k points category should be the main category appearing first considering that's the only one being played.
Bearbeitet von der Autor
There is no level 10, the max is 9 in this version.
Short conversation here in other forum post
MasterSystemMarceau gefällt das.
Oh ok thank you my friend! Hopefully the mod removes those categories to avoid confusion.
@Lizstar if you please.
RadManFromMars gefällt das.
Went ahead and removed it, thanks for letting me know!
I don't think I set this board up, I was just given control of it cause I was given control of all the Columns boards a while ago. No clue why it was set up that way. Maybe I did and I was just really airheaded.
MasterSystemMarceau gefällt das.
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